
Croydon riots are the only blot on London's cityscape on night of mass gatherings – South London news

A senior police officer has praised Londoners for their behaviour as anti-fascist rallies overshadowed any planned gatherings by anti-immigration gangs last night.

There were hints on social media platforms that there could be mass gatherings of unruly crowds last night, but the evening was largely peaceful, although hundreds of extra police officers were deployed.

The only exception to the rule was Croydon, where some unrest was reported.

Deputy Chief Constable Andy Valentine said: “More than 1,000 officers were deployed in London this evening to respond to planned events across the city.

“They stood ready to protect our communities from hateful, divisive and violent behavior.

“Two large anti-racism protests took place in Waltham Forest and Finchley. The majority of people responded to the officials' requests and complied with the regulations. These events took place without any major incidents or disruptions.

“However, officers in Croydon were confronted with anti-social behaviour by a small group who had no connection with any protest but were looking to cause trouble.”

Mr Valentine added: “Our top priority has been to keep our communities safe, prevent major unrest and bring all perpetrators to justice quickly. There have been numerous arrests across the city this evening.

“We have used a range of powers as part of our policing operation to keep people safe. We have given officers additional powers to stop and search people and to require the removal of face coverings. As a result, officers have seized a number of weapons.

“I want to thank our communities for coming together across the capital and showing community spirit this evening. I also want to thank the dedicated officers who have worked hard today to police London, serve their communities and keep people safe.”

A total of ten people were arrested in Croydon, four of whom were arrested for violent disorder. One was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker, four for breaching a Section 35 eviction order and one for carrying arson equipment.

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