
Melania Trump defends controversial Christmas comments while promoting $45 line of Christmas ornaments

Melania Trump has hit back at controversial Christmas comments from the past while promoting her line of $45 festive Christmas decorations.

In 2018, the former first lady was secretly recorded by her former friend and senior adviser Stephanie Winston Wolkoff complaining about being criticized for her husband's family separation policy at the southern border while being expected to decorate the White House.

Now she claims that Ms. Wolkoff “maliciously edited and published our conversation to create the impression that Christmas had no meaning to her.”

Mrs Trump's comments made headlines as her husband's administration has come under criticism for its border separation policy that separates migrant families attempting to enter the United States.

“They say I'm complicit. I'm just like him, I support him. I'm not saying enough, I'm not doing enough where I am,” she said on the tape.

“I'm working my ass off on the Christmas stuff, so, you know, who cares about the Christmas stuff and the Christmas decorations? But I have to do it, right?”

Now, as she sells a holiday collection of six brass ornaments and their accompanying NFTs, Mrs. Trump says she wants to clarify her views on the holiday season while also attacking her former friend.

“I will personally set the record straight because the mainstream media has failed to provide context for these misleading statements. Christmas is an important time for me, my family and the American people, and my devotion to the holiday is personal and deeply serious,” she said. Breitbart.

“Most people will agree that reuniting migrant children with their parents is more important than discussing Christmas decorations in the summer. The fact that Wolkoff deleted that part of our conversation in which I expressed my hope to reunite families separated at the southern border exposes her malicious intentions.

“Wolkoff is not trustworthy. Her contract with the Office of the First Lady was terminated in February 2018 and she was later accused of violating the confidentiality clause of her employment contract with the White House.”