
Mail Online and a somewhat provocative Christmas ad already

The Mail Online made my Sunday morning sweeter!

The mail is known both online and in print for typos and repetitions of blocks of text in articles – see today’s “Putin on the defensive” for a good example of the latter – for some time now.

I guess that's what happens when you don't employ editors.

The paper now also seems to prefer headlines reminiscent of “Daily Sport,” a now-defunct soft-porn tabloid that is only available online.

First the headline “NHS guidelines for staff tell them to ask MEN if they are PREGNANT before X-rays.” caught my attention.

“In several hospitals, all patients between the ages of 12 and 55 must be questioned about their status, regardless of their gender,” That’s what the email tells us.

I don't doubt the veracity of this story for a moment. The British people have collectively descended into madness over the last few decades, and institutions like the NHS are at the forefront of this.

But after allowing myself a brief grin, my eye fell on an advert at the top of the page – Mail Online publishes a lot of adverts, often for clothing – for a T-shirt.

I don't usually click on ads on any website, but this one caught my attention because it appeared to be the first Christmas ad of the year.

The offensive ad has now been removed from Mail Online.

Not just the first Christmas advert of the year, not just the best Christmas advert of the year, but the best Christmas advert of all time…!

It is an advertisement for a T-shirt with the inscription “Santa knows you fucked.”

I cannot imagine for a second that Mail Online would knowingly allow such obscenity to appear on its pages, between scathing articles about potentially pregnant men or potentially life-saving erectile dysfunction pills.

In fact, I note that the potentially offensive ad has since been removed, apparently along with all other ads, at least for now.

It should never have happened, but I'm so glad it did.

Well done, guys!

