
Musicians Porches and Liam Benzvi ask each other rapid-fire questions – HERO

Liam Benzvi asks Porches

Liam Benzvi: Your Song itching… This raises the question: When did you first notice that informers needed stitches?
Porches: I don't quite understand this question, but one time on a field trip we got caught snorting Pixie Sticks in the back of the bus and I was the one who told on the rest of my friends. I think that was the first time I heard the term. Thankfully I didn't get stitches. If I had heard it before, I might not have squealed.

LB: The sweet picture of you as a young man on the Shirt Album cover – is this an early selfie?
P: The first selfie I can remember taking. Up in Vermont next to Lake Champlain with my little digital camera. I wish I had the memory card. I remember liking it because I thought I looked “lost.” [laughs]

LB: What was the best time you spent with me?
P: Touring with Liam Benzvi was awesome, summer camp energy, zooming around in the little van, the open road, a bunch of guys, yay, the best.

LB: What did I last write to you?
P: “But honestly, we don’t have to do this interview anyway, lol, but if we do, the deadline is, I think, the 25th.”

LB: You mention the pound in some of your songs. Tell me more about the pound and what it means to you.
P: I think what I like about the shelter is that you go there when you have misbehaved, been abandoned or lost. A kind of place for outcasts. I think in joker I bring myself to the animal shelter, so to speak, as if I were turning myself in. And in rag when I say, “I recognize you from the shelter tonight/Really hope to see you tonight,” it feels like we're celebrating our mistakes.

LB: I love joker To be honest, I listen to it at least once a day. Do you know when you have a catchy tune? What makes a catchy tune? Are you a joker?
P: I'm really glad you like the song. When I first made it, I already had a feeling it would be a “catchy song”, as bizarre as the song is. I was surprised when it came out of my mouth, which I think is usually a good thing, even if I can't necessarily explain why it was that way.

LB: In an era where people are obsessed with “eras,” which Porches “era” is this?
P: Return of the goat era.

LB: What is your favorite excuse for not wanting to do something, go to an event, meet someone, or leave the house?
P: My excuse is not to reply and then apologize the next day.