
CHJCC releases statement on recent hate crime

CHJCC releases statement on recent hate crime

The Community Council is deeply concerned about the recent violent attack that occurred in our neighborhood on Friday evening. At approximately 2:00 a.m., a visiting yeshiva student was brutally stabbed by an assailant who shouted hateful, pro-Palestinian epithets. Thankfully, the victim, who suffered injuries just inches from his heart, is expected to make a full recovery, and our thoughts and prayers are with him during his healing process.

The quick action of community residents led to the immediate detention and arrest of the suspect, who was charged with attempted murder and other offenses that were charged as hate crimes. The community council recognized the bravery of those who intervened despite the personal risk.

This incident is a sobering reminder of the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism and the dangerous consequences of inflammatory rhetoric. We urge all involved to consider the impact of their words, as such language can incite people to commit acts of violence.

The Community Council is in close contact with law enforcement and commends their swift action to bring the perpetrator to justice. We thank the New York Police Department for their quick arrest of the attacker and the District Attorney for charging him with attempted murder as a hate crime.

The Mayor's Office has committed resources to monitor the police response and keep the community safe. Mayor Eric Adams has stressed, “Hate has no place in New York City,” and the City Council echoes that sentiment. We call on all community members, leaders, and public figures to reject hate speech in all forms and promote unity and respect.

The local council is available to anyone who needs victim support or advice.

As our community processes this shocking event, especially on the eve of Tisha B'Av, we encourage everyone to remain calm and continue to proudly display our Jewish faith. In the spirit of “Ahavas Yisrael,” we must support the victim and his family and strengthen our bonds with one another through acts of good and kindness. The community council reaffirms our commitment to a future where all can live free from fear and violence.

May our community and communities around the world experience peace and security.


The Board of CHJCC

Berel Hildesheim – Chairman

Shmuel Rosenstien – Deputy Chairman

My New – Treasurer

Yitzie Kamman – Secretary

Zalman Friedman

David Halon