
Torture of Palestinian prisoners is a Zionist crime against humanity – Workers World

The following statement was issued on August 8, 2024 by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners and Wounded of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine of the Resistance News Network.

Torture of Palestinian prisoners is a Zionist crime against humanity – Workers World

Imprisoned Palestinians

The leak of the scenes of rape and torture suffered by Palestinian prisoners in the Sde Teman extermination camp is a new Zionist crime against humanity and is reminiscent of the events in the American Guantanamo camp.

The anger of Zionist officials over the publication of the torture scenes and their demand for the establishment of an investigative commission shows that they are directly responsible for these crimes. At the same time, it confirms that the decision to torture was made by the political leadership.

This underlines once again that the Zionist entity is run by a gang of murderers and criminals and that its leaders deserve to be tried as war criminals before international courts.

The silence of the international community and international institutions, especially the Red Cross, on these crimes raises serious doubts about the credibility and neutrality of these institutions. These institutions have failed to fulfil their legal and ethical responsibility to investigate these atrocities or to send international committees to the prisons, especially since the international media have repeatedly exposed the unprecedented crimes being committed in the camp against prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

The US attitude of overlooking these atrocities in the Zionist Sde Teman death camp and then lamenting what is happening after some torture scenes are leaked confirms the US government's involvement in these crimes and its knowledge of the serious abuses committed against Gaza prisoners, including torture, rape, starvation, medical neglect and other cruel methods of torture.

The Front reaffirms that these crimes will not go unanswered by the resistance and that ending the suffering of prisoners and liberating them from Nazi-occupied prisons will remain a top priority.

The statement has been slightly edited.