
11 times celebrities were disappointed by their famous idols

In an Instagram video, Candace responded: “I immediately tried to contact her through mutual friends and my PR agent contacted her manager and I DMed her because I didn't know what happened – I didn't know! [JoJo] actually didn't want to tell me [what had happened] because she said it was so silly, she felt bad, and so it was just no big deal for her. But then she said, “I met you in Fuller house premiere when I was 11 years old and we were all on the red carpet. I came up to you and asked, 'Can I take a picture with you?' and you told me, 'Not right now.' And then you went back to what you were doing and took pictures with other people on the red carpet.”

She said she apologized to JoJo, who reportedly told her, “Yeah, you weren't even mean, and I understand it now as an adult – when you're on the red carpet and everything's happening and you're being pulled in different directions. But I was 11 at the time.”

Candace said: “I told JoJo how much I always appreciated her because she was a good role model throughout her life and career because of her positive attitude. She said she still enjoys watching Full house and watches it to go to sleep. It's a show that comforts them. So we had all the feelings and it was all good and there's no drama.”

Then JoJo told Page Six, “I had a bad experience when I was little. I was 11 and a huge, huge fan and I wanted to take a picture with her, but it wasn't a good time for her. I say just because I had a bad experience doesn't mean she's a horrible person. I think it was just a bad time for her and my little 11-year-old self was just so excited and so upset, but that doesn't mean she's the worst person ever.”