
August 16, Chicago: Screening of “Fedayeen: Georges Abdallah’s Struggle”

Join us on Friday at 6:30pm for our screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdullah’s Struggle” with an introduction by the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Fedayeen traces the path of a tireless Arab communist and fighter for Palestine. From the Palestinian refugee camps that shaped his conscience to international mobilizations for his release, this powerful film examines the situation of one of Europe's longest-incarcerated political prisoners.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been in prison for over 35 years. The Lebanese communist, who was involved in the resistance alongside Palestinian fighters, has been imprisoned by the French judiciary and various governments since 1984. Beyond the judicial harassment he was subjected to, this documentary traces Georges Abdallah's political path and tries to show how alive and necessary his ideas and his struggle still are. Come along!

Part of the week of action to resist the DNC!