
DA Gascon's top aide/potential felon still on payroll – California Globe

Despite her status as a suspected felon, Diana Teran, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon's assistant district attorney for ethics and integrity, is still a public servant and receives a salary—a lot, at that.

Since she was indicted on 11 counts by state Attorney General Rob Bonta in late April (that number was reduced to eight last week by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Sam Ohta), Teran has collected more than $60,000 in salary and “flex income.”

It is still unclear whether Teran is actually working. Gascon's office did not respond to a question about Teran's status.

According to documents obtained through a public records request by former Assistant District Attorney and current Victims Advocate Kathleen Cady, Teran's salary has remained unchanged since the indictment. Her total annual salary appears to be about $320,000 – plus benefits.

Note – the globe and former District Attorney Steve Cooley have also independently filed similar public records requests. What the globethe district has delayed its final response.

Teran is accused of having unlawfully gained access to confidential personnel files. At the heart of the allegations is the district attorney's office's use of the personnel files of Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, which she viewed while serving as a “constitutional policing consultant” in that department in 2018.

All of the charges against her bear the same date, April 2021. This could be when she uploaded the charges into the prosecutor's system and/or added them to the “Brady List,” a database of shady officials maintained by the prosecutor's office (most prosecutors maintain such a list in case they need to rely on the particular official in court, etc. because they need to disclose them to the defense).

Here too, three of the charges were dropped and Teran pleaded not guilty to all counts. Her lawyer James Spertus called the allegations absurd and said Teran was only fulfilling her professional duties. It should be noted that, according to published reports, Judge Ohta was skeptical of the allegations and “questioned the merits of pursuing the case.”

Interestingly, if the judge is correct, this would raise the scenario that Bonta – who supposedly could have charged Teran earlier over the incident – ​​only recently did so in an attempt to aggressively distance himself and his nascent gubernatorial campaign from the now toxic political ally that was once Gascon.

However, The idea that one of the top officials in a public prosecutor's office, accused of several serious crimes, was still receiving his salary deeply angered critics of the Gascon government. Normally, law enforcement agencies – like the LA Sheriff's Department – Suspend employees without pay if they are accused of a crime.

“The Association for Los “The Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriffs Union (ALADS) is shocked that Gascon continues to employ Diana Teran as Los Angeles District Attorney despite her serious criminal record,” said ALADS President Richard Pippin. “This blatant double standard toward well-connected individuals is appalling and sends a dangerous message to the entire Los Angeles County workforce, especially first responders who are held to the highest standards. It implies that if you have good connections, you are protected, no matter how serious your actions.”

Pippin continued: “This undermines the integrity of the county and undermines the trust of its employees. We expect full and immediate accountability for this decision-making. This case is particularly outrageous because Diana Teran, while working for the LA Sheriff's Department, was part of the very team that suspended a number of officers without pay for far less – felonies and even misdemeanors. The hypocrisy is alarming.”

Gascon employees are also angry.

“This is more than corrupt,” said the experienced deputy district attorney and the sharp Gascony critic John Lewin. “It appears – if not evidence – of bribery, because Gascon has an incentive for them not to cooperate in further investigations based on a simple question: When did he know and what did he know (about Teran's alleged actions)?”

Gascon's opponent in the November election, Nathan Hochman, also found the fact that Teran continues to be paid very problematic.

“It is inappropriate and creates a potential conflict of interest for Gascon to continue paying Ms. Teran despite her being accused of numerous crimes,” Hochman said. “However, the fact that he is once again favoring an accused criminal over the general public is entirely consistent with Gascon's pro-crime policies.”

Gascon's office did not respond to two emails seeking comment. (UPDATE below).

As usual.

UPDATE – late in the day, Gascon’s office sent a response:

Our law firm does not comment on ongoing legal proceedings or personnel matters.


~Pamela J. Johnson~ (she/her/hers)

Public Information Specialist

Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office

Hall of Justice

211 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

12th floor

[email protected]

DA Gascon's top aide/potential felon still on payroll – California Globe