
Why it makes much more sense after season 3 that Perrin's wife is killed in “Wheel of Time”


  • Perrin's backstory change in The Wheel of Time sparked backlash, but takes a unique twist in Season 3.
  • The consequences of Laila's death will determine Perrin's storyline in Season 3 and deepen his character development.
  • Perrin's guilt over Laila's death makes his relationships and motivations more complex and shapes his path.

The reason for the massive change of Perrin’s backstory in The Wheel of Time was a major subject of confusion, but could easily be explained by an upcoming storyline in Season 3. Arguably one of the show's most controversial additions to the source material was Laila, a character introduced as Perrin's wife. In Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time In the books, Perrin Aybara enters the story as an unmarried blacksmith from the Two Rivers, while The television series left him a widower who was tragically responsible for the death of his own wife.

How drastically this differed from the novels and how it opened the door for a whole new development of his character was predictably met with backlash. As for why this adjustment was made in the series, the exact reason for it wasn't immediately clear. The obvious assumption was that the series simply wanted to tell a whole new story for Perrin to make his journey unique compared to the other characters. But chances are the motivations are much more complex and will make a lot more sense after reading. The Wheel of Time Season 3.


Wheel Of Time Season 2 Ending Explained (In Detail)

The decisive Battle of Falme in the finale of the second season of The Wheel of Time recreated several moments from the book and laid the groundwork for the third season.

Perrin's story from Season 3 proves that the consequences of Laila's death are not over yet

It looks like the big change in Season 1 benefited the story of Season 3

Although what happened to Laila has not been a major plot point recently, what is in store for Perrin shows that theThe show has more to tell when it comes to Perrin's accidental killing of Laila. The Wheel of Time The third season adapts book 4, The rising shadowa novel in which Perrin returns to the Two Rivers and fights against Dain Bornhald's Whitecloaks and the Trollocs. Staying in the village naturally leads to regular interactions with members of the community such as Tam al'Thor, Abel Cauthon, Daise Congar and others.

Of course, this alone does not confirm Perrin's story from Season 3, but other details leave little doubt about the direction he will take. After all, Two Rivers is a confirmed location for Wheel of Time Season 3. Perrin also killed Geofram Bornhald, earning the wrath of his son Dain. Bringing Perrin into conflict with Dain, an important member of the Whitecloaks, is an important building block in Perrin's story arc in The rising shadowThis development sets the stage for the Whitecloaks to lure Perrin back to the Two Rivers in Season 3.

Having been where it happened and speaking to people who knew her, the guilt over Laila's death is sure to become a recurring source of inner unrest for Perrin throughout his return to the Two Rivers.

It goes without saying that Spending a season in the Two Rivers will bring back unwelcome memories of what happened to Laila In Wheel of Time Season 3. Having been where it happened and speaking to people who knew her, the guilt over Laila's death is sure to become a recurring source of inner turmoil for Perrin throughout his return to the Two Rivers.

Laila's death can fix a major flaw in Perrin's Two Rivers plan

Perrin will have better motivation if he surrenders to the Whitecloaks

Perrin stands behind Laila in The Wheel of Time

Laila's fate adds an interesting component to Perrin's story arc that was not in the books. This made it difficult to adapt Perrin's personal journey into The eye of the worldbut can actually complement his story in The rising shadow. In the book, Perrin devised a plan to free the Two Rivers from the Whitecloaks' control by offering himself to them, even though he knew they wanted him dead. Perrin accepted this, knowing he had killed some Whitecloaks. However, the sense of responsibility Perrin felt for his actions seemed undeserved.

The first two seasons of
The Wheel of Time
can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video.

In the series, it is similar. Perrin did indeed kill some Whitecloaks (including Geofram), but these murders were provoked by them. However, it is likely that The series doesn't have to rely on his past with the Whitecloaks to make his decisions in Season 3.. Rather, he can use the guilt he feels about what happened to Laila. Since Perrin did something that he truly believes deserves punishment, it would be more understandable if Perrin surrendered to the Whitecloaks.

Laila's death sets Perrin up for a major Two Rivers conflict in Season 3

The truth about Laila could separate the two rivers

Perrin is alone in season 2, episode 3 of “The Wheel of Time.”

While there's no indication that the current residents of Two Rivers know the truth about Laila, it seems only a matter of time before it comes to light. An investigation into the Whitecloaks, for example, could lead to that discovery. That the series would go down that path seems feasible, especially considering how the conflict unfolding in Two Rivers would deepen if Perrin returned. Knowing the truth would greatly increase the challenge of gaining the trust of the people of Two Rivers – including the people he likely counts as his friends.

In The rising shadowThere was some disunity among the townspeople as the Congar and Coplin families stirred up unrest and differences of opinion about how the town should proceed. The Wheel of Time can easily factor into this side of the story if the people of the Two Rivers find out – or even just suspect – that Perrin is responsible for Laila's death. The resulting discord could lead to a dramatic storyline spanning several episodes in which Perrin must confront his past and gradually unite the Two Rivers community.

Perrin's guilt over Laila can make his romance with Faile even better

Laila's death will also affect Perrin's romance with Faile

Perrin and Bain in “Wheel of Time”, Season 2

Another impact of the change in Perrin's story in Season 1 is what it means for Faile Bashere. In the books, Faile is Perrin's primary lover and the woman he marries. The rising shadow. In the wider context of the series, it actually didn't take long for Perrin and Faile to become man and wife, considering that they first met in Book 3, The Reborn DragonHowever, it took a while for Perrin to warm up to Faile over the course of Books 3 and 4, and that could translate well to the series given his tragic past with Laila.

Much like the murder of Laila may shape his decisions regarding the Whitecloaks and his relationships with the Two Rivers people, it may also shape his romance with Faile, a character who is almost certainly expected to make her on-screen debut soon. It's easy to imagine that this is a huge obstacle for the two to overcome, as Perrin may feel that he doesn't deserve a new romantic relationship with Faile. His journey in The Wheel of Time In season 3, Perrin could slowly recover from the trauma he suffered in the series premiere.