
Stamford politicians sign declaration of unity to combat racial and religious hatred

The pledge was signed by a diverse group of social and religious leaders to denounce hate and promote inclusivity.

This comes in response to recent incidents of anti-Semitic and racist vandalism in the city of Stamford.

Mayor Simmons stressed that there is zero tolerance for hate speech or hateful acts in the city.

“We as leaders are doing everything we can to denounce this hate. We want to make sure people know that we have zero tolerance for it. And we want to make sure that we bring our community together during this difficult time. We want to support each other, spread more love and inclusivity, and live up to the ideals that we all believe in in Stamford. That we are a city of opportunity and inclusivity for all,” said Mayor Simmons.

Other officials in attendance included the Superintendent of Stamford Schools and the city’s Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.