
Susan Lorincz trial: Jury finds woman guilty of manslaughter for shooting neighbor through front door in Ocala


This is the verdict of a jury in a case in which a woman shot her neighbor through her front door.

The jury learned Monday that they would be the ones deciding what happens in this case. Over the course of the week, they heard testimony — both about this incident and about neighbors' past encounters. They also heard expert opinions about high-stress situations and saw animated models of the shooting that took place in an Ocala neighborhood on June 2, 2023.

Ultimately, it took the jury two and a half hours to make this decision.

A jury found Susan Lorincz guilty of manslaughter Friday afternoon. The family of the victim, AJ Owens, was in the courtroom to hear the jury's verdict.

“This case is about perception,” Amanda Sizemore, deputy chief public defender, told jurors in her closing argument on Friday. And they perceived that Susan Lorincz acted with reckless disregard for human life or culpable negligence when she shot her neighbor Ajike “AJ” Owens.

Ajike “AJ” Shantrell Owens [Credit: Family handout]

Owens' mother, Pamela Dias, was in the courtroom to hear the decision.

“Oh God! Thank you, Jesus!” Dias shouted as Lorincz left the courtroom.

Dias and Owens' other family members spoke to reporters outside the courthouse.

“Although my daughter is gone forever and the children’s mother is gone forever, we have achieved some justice for Ajike,” she said.

First day of Susan Lorincz's trial: Neighbors, officials and investigators remember the night of the shooting

On the night of June 2, 2023, Lorincz called 911 to complain about children playing in a field next to her apartment. Shortly before the call, Lorincz had filmed the children playing outside. Witnesses said she threw roller skates at them and swung an umbrella in their direction.

Lorincz told the emergency dispatcher that the small children had threatened her and that she feared for her life.

“Is she running for her life and barricading her house right now?” asked Richard Buxman, chief homicide prosecutor for the 5th Judicial District. “No, she's outside making more videos.”

Two and a half minutes after Lorincz hung up, Owens was shot.

“Every person has a duty to act reasonably towards others. If that duty is violated, it is negligence,” said Judge Robert Hodges, who presided over the case.

Owens went to confront Lorincz at her apartment. Several witnesses testified that Owens was banging violently on the door and yelling loudly and angrily.

Day 2 of Susan Lorincz trial: Prosecutor says suspect was under the influence of drugs during fatal shooting

Lorincz said she thought Owens was going to kill her, but she was standing in her house and there was a door between them. She did not say Owens actually tried to shake the doorknob or get in.

Witnesses testified they heard Owens yelling at Lorincz to come out. Lorincz claimed Owens repeatedly yelled, “I'm going to kill you,” but not a single witness said they heard that.

“The key issue in this case is whether she believed she was responding to imminent danger when she fired her weapon at the closed, locked and bolted door,” Buxman said.

Prosecutors pointed out that while Owens was banging on the door, Lorincz knew officers were already on their way – and she did not lock the extra chain on her door or hide in another room. Instead, she got a gun, walked to the door – without checking who else might be out there or whether Owens was armed – and fired one shot through the door.

“Your actions are completely contrary to someone who fears for their life,” Buxman argued.

The defense argued cogently that Lorincz was terrified, acted out of fear, and believed her life was in imminent danger. The judge asked Lorincz if she wanted to testify for her own benefit, but she declined.

Sizemore showed a graphic of possible options that would require the jury to find Lorincz not guilty. Any reasonable doubt would mean the jury would have to acquit Lorincz. If they believe it may have been self-defense, they should end up with an acquittal.

“Even if you think so probably It wasn't self-defense, that means no guilt,” Sizemore said.

Third day of Susan Lorincz trial: State rests in trial of woman accused of shooting her neighbor through the door

But the jury decided without the slightest doubt: Lorincz is guilty of manslaughter with a firearm.

“My heart feels a little lighter,” Dias said. “We are now on the true path to healing.”

The family said the matter is not over for them. They know Lorincz has been found guilty, but they are not sure what that will mean for their future.

The judge has yet to decide her sentence. She could remain in prison until she is 90 years old. A sentencing hearing will be scheduled at a later date. Until then, she will remain in custody without bail.

Dias says Owens' four children are in therapy and this is a burden she will carry for the rest of her life. But the family says this is putting them on the path to justice.