
Why did they flee when people were in trouble?

President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday asked Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake to reveal where they were hiding without helping people when they were suffering from a shortage of fuel, gas and electricity.

The President said Sajith and Anura should give a clear answer as to why they did not accept the challenge and fled when the country and the people were in trouble.

He said that if they did not respond, he would tell them to come to his platform and sit on either side of him.

The President said he had successfully found solutions to the problems of fuel, gas and electricity.

The President was addressing the inaugural 'Puluwan Sri Lanka' rally at the Salgadu Stadium in Anuradhapura yesterday (17 August). Anuradhapura served as the starting point for a series of public rallies across the island aimed at securing President Wickremesinghe's victory in the upcoming presidential election.

A large crowd from the Rajarata region representing different backgrounds and political affiliations warmly welcomed the President at the Salgadu Stadium. Former Minister Jeevan Kumaratunga was also present to support President Wickremesinghe.

The rally was attended by a large number of people, including MPs representing numerous political parties, including the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and the United National Party (UNP).

The President said that if the politicians who are making such a fuss today had understood the plight of the people, they should have taken over the government and solved the problems. He added that the Leader of the Opposition and the other opposition leaders had a duty to accept the resignation of the current government.

The President asked where Sajith, Anura and the other opposition leaders were at a time when the country was economically in ruins, adding that if they were not able to do so, they had no moral right to stand for election.

President Wickremesinghe said that the “Puluwan Sri Lanka” election campaign was not a program to divide the nation, but a movement in which all Sri Lankans unite to protect the country.

The President said that the country's economy was not built by politicians like Sajith Premadasa, Anura Dissanayake, Harsha de Silva or Sunil Handunnetti. He said that the significant economic progress in 2022 and 2023 was due to the provision of sufficient fertilizers by his government, which enabled farmers to have successful harvests.

The President criticised opposition leaders Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake for speaking about the woes of the people on political platforms, calling it ironic. He said if they had truly understood the suffering of the people, they should have taken over the government and offered solutions to the country's problems.

The President inquired about the whereabouts of Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake when the price of a gas cylinder reached Rs 6,800 and asked them to answer the question, saying if they did not do so, they could be asked to come on the stage and address the issue directly.

“Today, you have all come together not for an election campaign where parties clash, but for a movement committed to securing the future of our people. The rain today symbolises our unity. This is not a place of division, but a gathering where all Sri Lankans unite to save our country,” he said.

“That is why I am running in the presidential election as an independent candidate without any party affiliation under the symbol of the gas cylinder. Those present here are those who stepped in to save the country when other leaders fled.”

Former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned, so did the former President. The opposition leader fled and Anura Dissanayake was nowhere to be found. At that time, a dollar was worth Rs 377, a gas cylinder cost Rs 4,901, a Laugfs gas cylinder Rs 6,850, petrol Rs 470 per litre, auto diesel Rs 460 per litre, kerosene Rs 375 per litre, the minimum bus fare was Rs 40 and electricity cost Rs 8 for the first 30 units, Rs 20 for up to 60 units and Rs 30 for all subsequent units. The people of this country had to endure great hardship during that time.

If the opposition leader understands his responsibility, he should have taken control of the government after the resignation of the previous government. If the first opposition did not take on this role, then the second opposition should have taken it. But where were they? Today they talk about the burden on people's lives, but did not act when it was crucial.

However, I am not entirely satisfied. The dollar which cost Rs 377 is now worth Rs 303. This is just the beginning; much work remains to be done. The claim that bundles of fertilizer cost Rs 40,000 is incorrect. Fertilizer was not available in the country then. The current economic boom is not the work of Sajith Premadasa, Anura Dissanayake, Harsha de Silva or Sunil Hadunnetti.

In 2022 and 2023, we ensured that farmers received the necessary fertilizer, thus providing much-needed “Aswesuma”. The Malwatu Oya Reservoir project will also be completed with our commitment. We understand the hardships of the people and although the increase in VAT was a difficult decision, it was necessary to stabilize the economy. We took these decisions knowing that they would ultimately benefit the financial situation of the country.

We have not overlooked the challenges faced by government employees. In January 2024, we provided an allowance of Rs 25,000, followed by another Rs 10,000 in April. Looking ahead to 2025, the cost of living allowance will be Rs 25,000 and civil service salaries will increase by 24 percent, creating a minimum wage of Rs 55,000.

In the last two years, we have provided Rs 25,000 crore in assistance – a figure that no other government has matched. This has been possible because of our effective economic management. We have significantly increased the benefits for senior citizens and people with disabilities.

The Urumaya program has been implemented, giving legal title to the lands you farm. Although these programs have been temporarily suspended due to the elections, a special authority has been appointed to oversee the issuance of land deeds to two million people. This program is expected to be completed within two years, and if necessary, new legislation will be introduced to support it.

We have ensured that no one is left behind and have initiated a programme of fair distribution of rights. The concessions we have made are the result of our successful partnership with the International Monetary Fund. Under the terms of this agreement, we are securing debt relief of US$13 billion. However, if this agreement is changed, these concessions could be lost. Anura Kumara Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa had proposed changes that could lead to renewed economic problems such as shortages of fuel, medicine and gas.

So I challenge Sajith and Anura to explain how they would address these issues, because if such a crisis were to arise, they might again shy away from the challenge.

At the rally, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena praised Ranil Wickremesinghe as the only capable leader who could revive the economy and protect democratic values. “When other leaders were hesitant to take responsibility during the country's deep crisis, he stepped forward. He created an environment in which people can live,” he said.

SLFP Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva expressed his support for President Wickremesinghe, describing him as a leader with a comprehensive programme for the progressive development of the country.

EPDP Chairman Minister Douglas Devananda praised President Wickremesinghe's leadership for the country's stability. “For Sri Lanka to move forward without stagnating, Wickremesinghe's agenda must be pursued,” he said.

Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi announced her support for President Wickremesinghe, the first time she has backed an independent candidate in her 32-year political career. “For most of us, this is the first time we are supporting an independent candidate in a presidential election because Ranil Wickremesinghe has become everyone's choice. When the former president fled the country and the opposition leader went into hiding, it was Wickremesinghe who took up the challenge when all seemed lost,” she said.

Minister Ali Sabry spoke about the failures of the government under the former president, pointing to the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. “Fuel and food shortages led to long queues and there was a lack of leadership in the country and in the Ministry of Finance. I had to temporarily take over the role of Finance Minister and lead negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The so-called economic experts in the opposition did not dare to address the crisis at that time. While others made excuses, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped forward to alleviate the hardship of the people, showing true leadership,” he said.

MP Dr Rajitha Senaratne said both the country and the world have acknowledged President Wickremesinghe's success in rebuilding the country within two years of the economic crisis. “We have done enough experiments, now is not the time for more. Among all the candidates, Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only one with experience and a proven track record. The whole country is rallying to elect him as president,” Dr Senaratne said. He also warned that international organizations have made it clear that they would withdraw their support if Sri Lanka violates agreements with the IMF, which could plunge the country into crisis again.

State Minister Shehan Semasinghe stressed that the country was suffering from severe shortages of electricity, gas, fuel, food and essential medicines and that the government was unable to provide fertilizers to farmers. “While experts like MP Harsha de Silva said the economic challenge was 'impossible', President Wickremesinghe took it on and demonstrated his leadership skills,” he said.

People's Alliance Chairman Anura Priyadarshana Yapa pointed out that 39 candidates are contesting the presidential election, but when the country was on the verge of bankruptcy, none of the political leaders except Ranil Wickremesinghe came forward to resolve the crisis.

MPs Duminda Dissanayake, SM Chandrasena and Ishak Rahuman as well as former ministers Masha Nanayakkara and Harin Fernando also spoke at the rally.