
Commentary: Bitcoin’s Wall Street Trap, the Illusion of Crypto Freedom

Wall Street's adoption of Bitcoin is dangerous. There is no such thing as free trade and free markets. Much like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. These are all nice stories, but none of it is true. Now the free market is embracing cryptocurrencies through ETFs.

Don’t believe the hype!

Wall Street is not taking over Bitcoin. The banking cartel is not turning a new leaf and loves decentralization. Now that Wall Street's money is directly linked to BTC and ETH through numerous ETFs, Wall Street can set the price of the major cryptocurrencies to whatever level it wants.

The war is over and Wall Street has won.

People love centralized systems

When something goes wrong, society needs someone to blame.

Someone must be responsible for this mess!

Unfortunately, most of our problems today are systemic. Global war is a business. It is part of our global economic system. The same is true of fiat money.

Over the course of the 20th century, and especially after World War II, systems became more centralized. Today we live in a world where most important systems are controlled by a permanent bureaucracy or huge corporations.

The magnitude of the systems we are describing is difficult to comprehend. But we (as a race) have created the largest interconnected system in human history over the last century. Today we are entering a phase change.

At the moment, it seems that decentralization has been abandoned in favor of a hyper-centralized future. We live in a time of growing global feudalism. The scary thing is that people want to be neo-serfs.

Bitcoin was a test

Bitcoin could have displaced the global banking cartel. However, it will never be able to spark a decentralized revolution. People have chosen to continue using fiat money and support a system that is only a few steps away from feudalism (a serf and a slave are not very different, by the way).

The Great Reset is techno-feudalism. Slavery is the choice humanity has made for the last 20 years. It is not a theory and we are not taking anything out of context. You can read it all here. The Great Reset is a game plan by some of the most powerful people in global social planning.

Bitcoin is an antidote that has become poison. We are on the brink of rapid change. The direction that change will take – and the terms of the new “social contract” – will please few.

Consequences of the first order

The most immediate problem for crypto investors is that Wall Street can effectively control prices in the crypto market. This has all happened before, and the banking cartel knows exactly how to set prices. Since Nixon abandoned the gold standard in 1971, the banking cartel has set the price of gold.

You can read how the banking cartel manipulates the price of gold here!

If you don't have time to delve into GATA's excellent research, take our word for it: there has been extensive collusion at the highest levels of the Western financial system to depress gold and silver prices.

Now the cartel has a new target: cryptocurrencies.

Anyone who knows anything about cryptocurrencies knows that Bitcoin leads the market. Sometimes smaller tokens can rise sharply when Bitcoin rises a little, but it is very rare for tokens to rise when Bitcoin is in a bear market.

We know – for sure – that the US allowed the launch of Bitcoin derivatives in 2017 to burst the $20,000 BTC bubble.

Christopher Giancarlo, former chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), told the media: “One of the untold stories of the past few years is that the CFTC, the Treasury, the SEC and then-National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn believed that launching bitcoin futures would burst the bitcoin bubble. And it worked.”

The above statement is a direct admission of market manipulation. It is also an admission of intent. The US government has attempted to influence the price of Bitcoin through market manipulation.

A large enough short position can depress prices in any market. Welcome to the future of crypto prices.

The free money machine

The banking cartel can create as much money as it wants. Period. Problems arise when that money chases goods and services in the real world. We call that inflation. The loose money policy during COVID19 was a problem.

When the economy virtually grinds to a halt and free money hits the streets, inflation will strike!

The current problem is that all the COVID19 money has gone nowhere. It has been passed up the economic ladder (people buying crap on Amazon), but it has not left the global economy. Now that most of the money is in the hands of the top 1% and their corporations, we have reached a dead end.

The money has to flow…

The banking cartel maintains its power by controlling the creation, flow and direction of money. Now the money machine wants to reinvent the nature of money and the way people are allowed to own property.

Apparently people will go along with anything, just look at what happened during the pandemic. The next step in creating global feudalism will be shocking and there will be no place to hide.

The great bull market

Cryptos don’t exist – and Wall Street loves it!

Much like fiat money, Bitcoin is made of data. While it is true that Bitcoin is created differently than fiat money, at the end of the day both assets are data and nothing more.

Assets like gold, real estate, and coffee all have a physical existence. Digital assets, on the other hand, do not. Moreover, most people do not own or use cryptocurrencies. If the BTC price rose to $100,000,000 per Bitcoin, the rest of the world would be relatively unaffected.

If 2017 and the DeFi boom of 2020 were tests, then higher crypto prices just mean more Lamborghinis hitting the road – and maybe a few more yachts changing hands.

While gold and silver have been kept low for decades, cryptocurrencies could serve the opposite function.

Here is a scenario for you:

There are plenty of fiat currencies out there – but not many bitcoins. So Wall Street, the US government, and some other players are stocking up on BTC and some other leading tokens.

According to current models, US debt appears completely unsustainable. But let's assume Wall Street decides that BTC, ETH, SOL and XRP are the right thing to do.

Prices are exploding. Forget BTC at $100,000 – we're talking a lot of zeros here.

In the course of the massive buying spree, governments and banks are selling their crypto holdings and making huge profits. The stuff of legends. All of these fiat currencies are being fired at the enormous debts of governments – and Bitcoin's profits are saving the Western financial system.

Even better: The US, EU and Japan are offering to convert their fiat debt into BTC-denominated securities. You have nothing to lose!

Of course, the whole deal is a scam. While Wall Street sells, the suckers come in to pay off government debts. The whole deal would eliminate national debt and soak up a huge amount of cash circulating around the world.

Then – crypto prices implode.

Sorry, BRIC countries – this sucks.

The USD is still king!

A happy ending?