
Former NFL player Gosder Cherlius arrested after allegedly urinating on airline passenger

A former National Football League lineman who played at Boston College allegedly urinated on an elderly woman for 20 seconds on a Delta Airlines flight to Dublin early Sunday, prompting a judge to reprimand him in court on Monday for his alleged “outrageous behavior.”

Gosder Cherilus, 40, appeared in East Boston Municipal Court on Monday, where he was charged with disorderly conduct, interfering with flight crew and resisting arrest.

“What you have done, as alleged, is quite egregious,” Judge Debra A. DelVecchio told Cherilus.

Cherilus pleaded not guilty. He and his attorney, Brian Sullivan, left the courthouse without speaking to reporters.

According to a state police report filed with the court, Cherilus had been drinking alcohol at Logan Airport and appeared to be intoxicated when he boarded Flight 154. On board the plane, he allegedly got into an argument with crew members over his seat in seat 5D, police wrote.

“Witnesses described Gosder's behavior during the flight as disruptive, irritable, manic and aggressive,” police wrote.

About an hour into the flight, Gosder allegedly left his seat, went to seat 4C and “fully exposed his genitals and began urinating on an elderly woman, emptying his entire bladder within approximately 20 seconds,” police wrote.

“Flight crew and witnesses attempted to stop Gosder's behavior by removing his hands from his genitals and demanding that he return to his seat,” police wrote.

Gods went instead to Seat 3D, where he began arguing with an older man, slapped him, and then sat in the man's seat, “where he passed out,” police wrote.

“Due to Gosder's egregious behavior, the entire flight crew was shocked, alarmed and fearful for their safety,” police wrote. Gosder is 6'6″ tall and weighs about 280 pounds, police said.

When the plane returned to Boston, it took four police officers to remove Gosder from the plane, handcuff him and take him to the state police barracks at the airport, where he was registered and later released on $2,500 bail, records show.

At the request of the Suffolk District Attorney's Office, DelVecchio kept bail at $2,500 cash. He was ordered not to use drugs or alcohol, not to contact witnesses and to stay away from Logan except for legitimate travel, prosecutors said.

Cherilus, 40, lives in Wakefield. He talked about his years at BC and last year in the NFL, when he was named to the Globe's All-Time All-Scholastic Team.

The passengers were rebooked onto another aircraft to continue their journey to Dublin, the airline said.

“Delta does not tolerate any illegal behavior and will cooperate with law enforcement authorities in this regard,” the airline said in a statement. “We apologize to our customers for the delay to their travel.”

Pat Greenhouse of the Globe editorial staff contributed to this report.

Sabrina Lam can be reached at [email protected]. John R. Ellement can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him @JREbosglobe.