
Wall Township man charged with murder and other charges in connection with machete killing of his girlfriend

The man accused of killing his girlfriend with a machete in Wall Township has been indicted by a Monmouth County grand jury.

Alex Williams has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with the attack on Brianna Greenwood on May 22.

It is a case that shocked the public.

When police arrived at the Glen Oaks Apartments, they found a bloody scene. According to police officials, 29-year-old Greenwood's arm was nearly severed above the wrist.

The shocking incident occurred in front of Greenwood's three-year-old child, according to court documents.

These documents also show that Williams told police he caught his girlfriend cheating on him and admitted to making a 911 call the morning before, killing her.

Police found a machete near the victim. Greenwood died a week later.

The grand jury also indicted Williams on weapons charges and child endangerment.

No court dates have been scheduled yet. Williams remains in the Monmouth County Jail.