
Trump will “take away the freedom to become a mother through artificial insemination,” says Michelle Obama at the Democratic Party Convention

In her speech on the second evening of the Democratic Party Convention on Tuesday, former First Lady Michelle Obama warned that a Trump election victory in November could mean the end of artificial insemination.

“It's still his old con: He's relying on ugly, misogynistic and racist lies as a substitute for real ideas and solutions that would actually improve people's lives,” Obama said.

“Because if we cut our health care and take away our freedom to control our bodies and become mothers through artificial insemination like I did, the health of our women, mothers and daughters will not improve.”

Illinois U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth issued a similar warning on Tuesday, urging people to “look at what happened in Alabama.”

Duckworth urged Trump to “stay out of our doctors' offices, and while you're at it, stay out of the Oval Office.”

“Because if they win, Republicans won't stop banning abortion. Next they'll tackle artificial insemination. They'll prosecute doctors. They'll pillory and spy on women.”

Following a controversial ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court in February, Trump said he would “strongly support the availability of IVF” and urged Alabama lawmakers to preserve access to the treatment, which has become a new flashpoint in the 2024 presidential election, The Associated Press reported.

The court ruled that frozen embryos could be considered children under state law. This led some clinics and hospitals in Alabama to stop providing IVF services.