
Manoliño, the famous dolphin that visits the ports of Galicia to interact with people

Galicia is a place conducive to nature. Its natural landscapes and coastlines delight nature lovers and also allow animals to roam freely in this area.

One of the creatures that can be found on the Galician coast are dolphins. They usually live in groups, but for some reason there is a rather famous dolphin that likes to stay near ports. This is the Manoliño dolphin.

Isolated dolphin

The dolphin Manoliño goes to the ports to seek human interaction

In a video uploaded to TikTok by user @rubiaaleess, it can be seen that this aquatic animal was in an area frequented by humans and decided to record the scene to share it.

This guy was walking across a bridge when he looked out to sea and saw a rather large shadow approaching. When it came out of the water a little, he could see that it was actually a dolphin, just peacefully continuing on its way.

In the comment section of the video, many people shared their stories. This dolphin was separated from its pod for some reason and visits ports to interact with humans.

However, many denounce the great damage caused by tourism and even go so far as to harpoon it. People tell stories, such as that of a friendly little dog that jumps into the sea to play with them.