
Let's examine Rep. Moore's claims about affordable drug care and the related bill he opposes.

Ah, the joys of the political season and the flood of flyers in the mailboxes. Today I received one from Rep. Blake Moore, who, according to the flyer, has “always fought to protect Medicare drug coverage” and urges us to urge him to continue fighting for affordable drug coverage for seniors “by opposing HR4895.”

OK, let's do a little fact checking. Hmmm. According to the fact sheet for HR4895, the Reduce Drug Costs for American Families Act, this bill does indeed appear to reduce costs for millions of Americans, both seniors and families. After reading the fact sheet, I don't see anywhere how this “restricts access” or “limits drug choices” according to the paid flyer from

How many people who receive this flyer are going to check it for accuracy? That's one of the biggest problems in politics – anyone can throw money at candidates, they'll welcome them with open arms, and then you can spread absolute nonsense, knowing that the majority won't take the time to check it out carefully.

Rep. Moore – do better. Utahns deserve honesty and districts free from gerrymandering. Sigh…

Rachel Taylor, Salt Lake City

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