
Ben Affleck reveals why he abandoned his Batman story with Deathstroke after the famous cameo in Justice League

Ben Affleck, who played the Dark Knight in the DCEU, spoke about his decision to step away from his solo film, which was supposed to feature the fearsome villain Deathstroke. Fans were eagerly waiting to see Batman face off against Deathstroke after his brief appearance in Justice League.

    Zack Snyder's Justice League
Zack Snyder's Justice League | Photo credit: Max

Although the film was ultimately scrapped before Affleck stepped down from the role, the actor opened up about what it could have been like and his reasons for abandoning the story during his appearance at Zack Snyder's Full Circle event.

Ben Affleck spoke about his ambitious vision for Deathstroke in a canceled film

While attending Zack Snyder's Full Circle event, Ben Affleck discussed his plans for the canceled solo film and the villains he was considering for the film.

Ben Affleck as Batman
Ben Affleck as Batman | Photo credit: Warner Bros.

“There were a number of them that I explored,” he said, explaining that he wanted to develop interesting, nuanced and complex characters while focusing on a fearsome villain.

About Deathstroke, he said he wanted to make the villain as impressive as possible so that he could pose a real challenge to the protagonist. He shared:

So at that point I was really trying to focus on that character and get into the depth and details to make her as impressive as I thought possible.

A still from Justice League
A still from Justice League | Photo credit: Warner Bros.

The character was portrayed by Joe Manganiello and had a brief appearance in the post-credit scene of Zack Snyder's Justice LeagueSince a solo film with Affleck in the lead role was planned, Manganiello was expected to reprise his role as well.

However, the film was ultimately canceled and the Justice League The star also explained why he decided not to pursue the film in which Batman and Deathstroke would have faced each other.

Uncertainty and exhaustion led Ben Affleck to Batman film

During the event, Zack Snyder and Ben Affleck were also asked about his plans for Batman and Deathstroke after the villain’s appearance in Justice League, where he learns Batman's secret identity.

Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck | Image credit: Gage Skidmore/CCA-BY-SA-2.0/Wikimedia Commons

The actor said that while they had an elaborate plan for how things would unfold, he was ultimately unsure if the story and the characters' arc would work. He shared:

There was a very elaborate plan – my plan to continue with this character. I got to a point where I thought I wasn't really, you know… I just wasn't sure if it was working or fitting.

He shared that as both an actor and a director, he felt it was crucial to have complete confidence in the direction of the project. Affleck argued that if he was unsure of the exact vision or goal or character, he preferred not to move forward.

Deathstroke in Zack Snyder's Justice League
Deathstroke in Zack Snyder's Justice League | Image credit: Warner Bros.

And of course, as a director, you have to be the last person interested in the film when everyone else is totally bored, doesn't want to see it again, is fed up with it and is exhausted from all the work.

The actor said he missed the exact target he should have aimed for his solo. Batman film, and when he realized this, he decided it was time to move on.

Zack Snyder's Justice League can be viewed on Max.