
Bail set for 14-year-old from Central Pennsylvania charged with manslaughter of friend in 2023

Bail for the Red Lion teenager accused of shooting his longtime friend during a pajama party in April 2023 was set at $50,000 on Friday, court documents show.

Nolan Grove, now 14 years old, is accused of taking his father's gun on April 1, 2023, taunting two neighborhood girls and later pointing the laser at 12-year-old Cain Heiland and shoot him in the back.

“I'm so sorry, K,” Nolan said after Cain fell to the ground, according to testimony detailed in an affidavit.

Nolan, who will be tried in adult court, is charged with first-degree murder, manslaughter, illegal possession of a weapon and four counts of reckless endangerment.

Chief Judge Maria Cook decided to try Nolan's case in adult court, where all children accused of murder are initially tried under Pennsylvania state law, because she said the juvenile justice system was not equipped to handle a defendant like Nolan.

Cook also said the impact on the Red Lion community contributed to her decision.

“As long as the defendant is young, the adult court has more time and opportunities to treat him,” Cook explained. “There are not enough opportunities in the juvenile justice system and his treatment would take significantly longer than six to nine months.”

Nolan will attend weekly therapy sessions while in a juvenile detention center until his trial, Cook said.

His preliminary hearing is scheduled for September 18, a week after Nolan's 15th birthday.

Staff writer Jonathan Bergmueller contributed to this report.