
“We are still fighting”: Less than an hour after striking Dakkota suppliers rejected the third sell-off, the UAW bureaucracy announces a fourth

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The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees (IWA-RFC) is holding a rally next Sunday, August 25, at 3:00 p.m. ET, “For Global Action to Defend Jobs at Warren Truck and Around the World!” We encourage Dakkota workers to attend. To register, click here.

“We are still fighting”: Less than an hour after striking Dakkota suppliers rejected the third sell-off, the UAW bureaucracy announces a fourth
Striking Dakkota workers on the picket line on Tuesday, August 20. The workers on the picket line denounced the sell-out collective agreement that the UAW had reinstated. [Photo: WSWS/WSWS]

On Friday night, striking suppliers at the nearby Ford assembly plant in Dakota rejected a third sell-out contract despite threats and intimidation from the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, saying it was the “last, best and final offer.”

More than 450 workers at Dakotta have been on strike for more than two weeks against starvation wages and intolerable working conditions at the parts factory that supplies the nearby Ford assembly plant in Chicago.

The vote was a massive rejection of the union bureaucracy. A key factor in the rejection of the resolution was the initiative of the newly formed Workers' Action Committee of Dakkota, which issued a statement entitled “Dakkota Workers: Vote NO and Reject Corporate Blackmail of the UAW! Organize Grassroots Control of the Vote!”

The most recent contract, presented by the UAW and rejected by the workers, required new hires to pay a pittance starting at $16.80 an hour. The only change from the last contract was an increase in the starting wage for workers who had been with the company for more than 48 months from $21 to $22 an hour.

Dakkota workers reported that they immediately celebrated the announcement of the results at the picket line.

At 8:50 p.m., UAW Local 3212 sent a text message to members informing them of the voting results: the third, hastily announced vote had been rejected by 55 percent to 45 percent.

But within an hour, the UAW called for a fourth vote on Sunday.

At 9:55 p.m., the union sent another text message that read: “UAW Local 3212: Sunday, August 25, 2024, IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AND VOTING MEETING. 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM. DAKKOTA MEMBERS ONLY.”

The bureaucracy, acting on behalf of both Dakkota and Ford, is no doubt extremely nervous, fearing that things will escalate and that they will lose control in the face of the development of the Dakkota workers' rebellion.

“Everyone is angry!”

A picket worker told the World Socialist Website“Everyone is furious! At first we wanted to celebrate. We made a big deal out of it.”

She added: “Then they accused us of it! The UAW bargaining committee is worthless. We will write down our demands. Now we are in control. They are no longer in control of anything.”

“Despite their previous threats, we voted against it,” she said. “It's crazy because within an hour they're telling us to go back to our normal working hours. And now they want us to have an hour-long meeting on Sunday about another offer? They want 400 people to vote in an hour? There's no parking. There's going to be chaos.”