
He accused his wife of having an emotional affair with her boyfriend, but she just wouldn't accept it – Chip Chick

Emotional affairs are one of the more subtle forms of cheating. Being able to call, text, or DM someone at any time makes it much easier to talk to people from a distance—especially on a deeper level.

This is why emotional affairs are becoming an increasingly bigger problem in modern relationships.

People don't just cheat on each other physically anymore. They also share their innermost hopes, dreams, fears, and general feelings with people outside of their relationship – and this emotional connection can sometimes be even more hurtful to partners than a one-night stand.

A man is currently grappling with the complex thought of emotional cheating in his relationship.

He is married and, according to him, his wife cannot bear to be alone with her thoughts and must constantly do something – be it to occupy her mind or her hands.

“She doesn't sit down for a minute. She's like a hummingbird who can't be alone and relax for a second,” he explained.

But while his wife is very active and extroverted, he sees himself as an introvert living in an extroverted world. He values ​​the time he spends alone that his wife simply doesn't get.

He already works between 10 and 12 hours a day, talking to people, listening to their problems and helping to solve them.

“I just want to have some time alone after work to unwind. She doesn't understand that,” he said.

Igor Link – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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