
How to complete the Viral Villager challenge in BitLife – Destructoid

BitLife The Viral Villager Challenge is live and is very similar to the previous one in the game. Much like last week, you will become a famous athlete who wins prizes for your hard work and dedication. However, this time it will be more exciting as you will have to catch a few diseases.

BitLife Viral Villager Challenge Guide

BitLife The Viral Villager Challenge has five objectives to achieve:

  • Being born a woman in Brazil
  • Become a famous volleyball player
  • Win and accept an MVP award
  • Take a holiday in France
  • Contract 3+ Sexually Transmitted Diseases

To become a famous volleyball player, you need the special career package “Pro Athlete”. You can get it from the BitLife Head to the Marketplace or purchase Boss Mode to unlock all current and future packs. In any case, you will need to spend real money to complete this challenge, similar to the previous Olympic Striker challenge.

Being born a woman in Brazil

BitLife woman in Brazil
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The first part of this challenge is to create a female character born in Brazil. This is the easiest of the five tasks as you only need to select “female” as your gender and Brazil as your starting country. The exact city is entirely up to you. It's also worth selecting the “Sports” special talent to make your volleyball journey easier.

Become a famous volleyball player

The next part of the challenge is to become a famous volleyball player. The easiest way to achieve this is to join your school's volleyball team, train hard, and become the captain of the team. Finally, you can enroll in a free public university to join their team, become the captain, and get a professional contract to play volleyball.

BitLife becomes a famous volleyball player
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Although it is possible to become a professional volleyball player without this process, it is much easier to start at the beginning. Once you get your contract, train as much as you can to keep your stats high so you can win championships more easily. After a few years, you will become famous if you manage to accomplish this second task.

Win and accept an MVP award

When you become a famous volleyball player, you'll start training your volleyball and fitness skills, which will make it easier to win championships. While it's easier to win and maintain MVP awards if you have high skills in all areas, a lot of it is down to luck. The main way to win an MVP award is to keep your character's training up as much as possible and choose the best option that boosts your performance during random sports-related pop-up events.

Take a holiday in France

BitLife woman in Brazil
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Going on vacation is another easy task that you can complete shortly after starting this challenge. When you start earning money from your volleyball career, go to Activities, select Vacation, and pick any place in France. It doesn't matter if you fly economy or first class, but if you're rich, you can treat yourself. If you do this, the task will be completed immediately and without much effort.


The final part of the Viral Villager challenge is to catch three sexually transmitted diseases. Trolling BitLife on social media apps in the game can have some crazy consequences. Unprotected, steamy relationships with other characters are the main cause of this.

BitLife Love Menu
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You can get together with other characters through activities, love, and flirting. It's up to you whether you use contraception for this, but the important thing is that you stay unprotected. While there's no guarantee you'll catch anything, your chances increase if your character “notices anything weird” during the interaction. Keep doing this until you've caught three STDs to complete the challenge.

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