
Boy from Surprise has to recover for weeks after hit-and-run

Surprise police are searching for the suspect vehicle in a hit-and-run accident Friday night that left a boy injured.

Bridger Benner, 12, was riding his bike home from a basketball court around 6 p.m. when he was hit by a car at the corner of 175th Avenue and Paradise. Bridger's father said he flew 20 feet through the air and landed on a median.

“Seeing him lying on the floor was heartbreaking,” said Bridger’s mother, Lisa Benner.

Bridgers' family members said they were all home Friday night when they learned he had been hit by a car a few blocks from their home.

“I immediately started screaming for my daughter,” Lisa said. “I ran out of the house in my pajamas and no shoes. We got there within 45 seconds.”

When they arrived at the scene of the accident, they found Bridger injured on the road and his bike torn to pieces.

“One side of the bike was 50 feet behind the fire hydrant and the other half of the bike was down there on the median. So all I can imagine is that the bike may have gotten under the car, thrown around and then maybe ejected on both sides,” said Bridger's father, Mason Benner.

Bridger, 12, is recovering from a variety of injuries including a broken collarbone, broken wrist, shattered knees and a splintered calf in his left hip.

“Everything hurts,” Bridger said. “I can't believe someone would just leave me lying on the street while I screamed for help.”

The family says they are grateful to the people who responded to the scene of the accident and offered help afterward, but their greatest hope is that someone will find out who hit Bridger.

“This is a sister's worst nightmare too,” said Bridger's sister Madison Zubchevich. “It was a nightmare, but I'm absolutely amazed at his strength and his resilience to get through this and not completely break down like I would have. He has so much strength and hope, and that motivated me to go out and find out who did this.”

The family says Bridger was wearing a helmet and they hope people understand how important it is when riding a bike.

Meanwhile, Surprise Police are searching for a late-model, dark gray Toyota Camry that is believed to be missing the rear portion of the passenger side mirror. Anyone with information should contact Surprise Police.

Area where the incident occurred