
Ivanna Onufriychuk went on a new journey with her baby and talked about the problems with shoes

Former TV presenter and blogger Ivanna Onufriychuk continues to raise her first-born son, Adam, to be an avid traveler. After visiting Greece and France with the boy, who will soon turn 3 months old, the star mom took him to Spain.

Ivanna Onufriychuk with her son

As Ivanna explained in her Insta stories, she will participate in a children's music festival in Alicante.

“My son is a little shocked by his mother’s activities, which he already has to get used to,” Onufriychuk explained.

Onufriychuk and her firstborn

Adam gets to know Alicante.

Ivanna doesn't know what she would do if Adam's grandmother and mother Svitlana weren't there. They take turns carrying the baby in their arms. After all, says the blogger, the boy doesn't like being in a stroller.

Ivanna Onufriychuk's mother and son

Grandma's help is invaluable.

Son of Ivanna Onufriychuk

The young traveler was lulled to sleep.

Onufriychuk also talked about her problem: the shoes she had worn before pregnancy were now too small for her.

Former TV presenter Onufriychuk
Ivanna Onufriychuk and her 10,000 steps

Let us all be like Ivanna!