
Tragic car accident leads to death of 8-year-old girl

Driving without a license in an uninsured car registered for two people but with four people on board: there is a long list of irregularities at the heart of the accident that cost the life of an 8-year-old girl and led to the arrest for negligent homicide of the man behind the wheel, the partner of the girl's mother, who yesterday had just finished serving a prison sentence for theft under house arrest. The car in which the girl was traveling overturned shortly after 5 a.m. in Giugliano in Campania, at via Domitiana, number 99. The driver is 47 years old. The Carabinieri, who intervened at the scene of the accident, immediately noticed a series of irregularities. Starting with the number of people on board the Smart Fortwo: four, a mother and her daughters aged 8 and 16, and at the wheel the woman's partner. The driver – Francesco D'Alterio, 47 years old – did not have a driving licence and the car was not even insured. And not only that. The investigation revealed that the man had just finished serving a prison sentence for theft under house arrest yesterday. The four were literally crammed into the tiny Smart car. The 8-year-old girl was sitting on her mother's lap, both were sitting on the passenger side, and in the small trunk, the rear part of the car, was the 16-year-old girl. The youngest passenger did not survive the impact. The other 16-year-old girl was taken to the hospital in Pozzuoli for probable fractures. The girls' mother is in hospital for observation, while the driver suffered only some abrasions. Investigations into the exact dynamics. The Carabinieri of the Varcaturo station and those of the Giugliano radiomobile – who are trying to find out what could have caused the car to roll over, also analyzing the hours before the impact – subjected the man to a breathalyzer test. Then D'Alterio was arrested for negligent homicide and taken to prison, from which he had just been released. “There is anger and pain at yet another tragedy, the result of a series of reckless and serious negligence that could most likely have been avoided,” says Severino Nappi, leader of the Lega group in the Campania Regional Council, for whom “the new highway code will help put an end to this bloodbath on our roads.” A tragedy, stresses Francesco Emilio Borrelli, deputy of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, the result of a “sick culture that does not care about road safety.” And as proof, the deputy publishes on his social media a collection of videos documenting various reckless behaviors, including that of a man riding a motorcycle with a child lying on the tank, “obviously without a helmet and without any kind of protection, on the streets of Monteruscello,” a district of Pozzuoli. High number of victims on the roads. Driving habits aside, it is clear that this weekend too saw a high number of victims on the roads. Not only in Campania (where a seven-year-old girl was killed in an accident on the A2 on the Mediterranean on Friday), but throughout Italy. Very often it is young people who lose their lives. As in Ragusa, where yesterday evening a car collided with a scooter on the provincial road that connects Scoglitti to Gela. The head-on collision left two young Tunisians aged 22 and 25 dead. A 23-year-old from Gela, a factory worker, had hit them. And another 22-year-old young man, who lives in the province of Reggio Emilia, died early this morning in an accident on the Via Emilia in San Prospero (Parma). His high-performance car crashed onto the pavement at high speed and hit a traffic light. Yesterday, another 22-year-old young man lost his life in Rimini when he drove off the road in a rented BMW. This morning, in Viareggio, in the province of Lucca, a 46-year-old woman was hit and killed by a car driven by a 28-year-old who allegedly ignored the stop sign. The driver's breathalyzer test was positive.

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