
Public Notice: Freedom Township | The Manchester Mirror

Sarah Swanson

Freedom Town Hall

Freedom Township Council

11508 Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester, MI 48158


13 August 2024, Ordinary Board Meeting

Personal appointment at Freedom Town Hall

Opening of the meeting at 20:00

Members present: Lindemann, Bristle, Layher, Huehl/absent: Schaible/65+ audience present.

The Board heard comments from the public and communications received, as well as reports from the Treasurer, Clerk, Planning Board, Code Enforcement Officer and Zoning Administrator.

Approved items:

  1. Minutes of 9 July 2024
  2. Treasurer’s report
  3. Accept a quote for professional cleaning of City Hall floors on August 23 for $1,400
  4. Warrants

Second public comment

Meeting ended at 22:04.

Prepared by Valisa Bristle, Clerk
Approved by Larry Lindemann, Supervisor

Copies of the minutes of meetings are available upon request from the Town Clerk or on the website at.

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