
County officials cut prison project as Lucas Co. continues to debate funding

TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – Construction has now come to a halt, but behind the scenes work continues to ensure the continued existence of Lucas County's new jail project.

There is no active construction currently taking place and no one has a timeline for when work will resume. Work is currently taking place behind the scenes and is designed to streamline operations while ensuring it can accommodate the expected number of people.

At this point in the process, Lucas County Sheriff Mike Navarre is trying to figure out what will be eliminated from the original project and what will remain.

“We're going to try to reduce the number to a more affordable number without sacrificing size,” Sheriff Navarre said. “We don't want to reduce the number of beds. We don't want to reduce the number of housing units.”

With a price tag of nearly $300 million and high interest rates, things like an underground parking garage, an administrative floor and space for electronic surveillance are at stake.

“With these changes, we are getting closer to what I would call an affordable project,” said Sheriff Navarre.

Ultimately, the decision on funding rests with the Lucas County Commissioners, who will decide what payments they can make and what interest rates make sense. This project has taken nearly a decade to complete.

“The first frustration arose three years ago when we considered building it on the health department property, which just wasn't feasible for a number of reasons,” said Sheriff Navarre.

With interest rates and costs rising, it is becoming increasingly expensive and is currently basically on ice, with the likelihood of it being revived.

“When? I can't tell you when. But I think we're still on schedule as far as building a new jail,” Sheriff Navarre said. “That could change, but right now I think we're still making progress. We're doing what we need to do to make this project happen.”

Once the county feels more comfortable with those interest rates, it is said it will go to the bond market and try to borrow the money needed to ultimately make the project a reality.

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