
Encino residents explore home security options amid rising burglary rates at crime prevention event

ENCINO, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — After an alarming series of break-ins and thefts in the San Fernando Valley, Encino residents are now looking for ways to improve the security of their homes.

A crime prevention event was held at Genesta Park on Sunday, featuring various security providers offering homeowners a wide range of options.

This summer, Encino, Tarzana and Woodland Hills saw an increase in burglaries, according to Los Angeles police. In just one day, thieves targeted a tobacco shop, a shoe store, a computer store and two pharmacies in the Valley.

READ MORE | 5 businesses targeted in string of nighttime break-ins in San Fernando Valley

Police are investigating at least five burglaries that occurred overnight in the San Fernando Valley, causing concern among business owners and residents.

“Every other house on my block was robbed,” said Encino resident Mikki Langdon. “One house was robbed three times and it even had an alarm system.”

One of the vendors at Sunday's event was Secure IT Homes, a burglary prevention and deterrence company owned by Guy Cohen, who is also a member of the Encino Homeowners Association. Since breaking glass doors and windows is a common method used by burglars, he suggests installing window security film to slow them down.

“Most burglars only have about 10 to 15 minutes to break into your home. We can buy you at least 30 minutes, which will hopefully deter them and make them give up,” he said.

Cohen's company and others hope to provide support to concerned residents.

“I came out to make myself feel better,” Tamara Ortiz said. “It's just nerve-wracking knowing that someone can just throw a brick through your window or sliding glass door and still be inside.”

Meanwhile, Tarzana residents Yaretta Robinson and Dominque Robinson say they are doing their best to look out for each other.

“Every single one of our neighbors has a camera outside their door,” said Dominque Robinson. “It's weird not seeing it.”

LAPD increases patrols

According to City Councilor Nithya Raman, the LAPD has increased patrols on residential streets in the Encino area, including mounted patrols, foot patrols and more police vehicles.

She said the LAPD's Commercial Crimes Division, which is responsible for investigating property and financial crimes, has partnered with the West Valley Division, meaning more investigative resources are now available.

Safety tips

The LAPD recommends installing hard-wired cameras not only at the front door, but also on the sides and back of the house. Police also recommend trimming back overgrown trees and bushes to avoid obstructing the view and making sure the house is well-lit at night.

If you notice anything suspicious, always report it to the police.

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