
Fundraising to support a local restaurant owner's battle with cancer

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) – The community is coming together to help a woman fighting for her life. Stephanie Phares, owner of Zeeland Street Market, was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.

Phares' neighbors say she is known for helping others, and they now hope they can return the favor.

One of Phares' neighbors is Jennie Peters, the owner of Varsity Sports, a store that has been on Perkins Road for 24 years. Peters remembers when Phares opened the Zeeland Street Market just a few doors down.

“We have been neighbors since they moved here and have experienced all kinds of adventures and ups and downs together,” Peters said.

Peters wants to do whatever she can to help Phares through one of these low points.

“Like anyone else, it's devastating and surprising when they get news like that, and you just want to roll up your sleeves and see what you can do for that person,” Peters said.

Peters is organizing a fundraising walk/march for Phares, a person who, according to Traci Roberts, deserves as much as she gives.

“She gives so much and just needs everyone's support,” Roberts said. “I pray for her every day. I really hope she gets better. It's really hard.”

When Roberts and the other Zeeland Street staff heard of Phares' diagnosis, they began collecting love letters from regular customers that Phares was able to leave during his radiation and chemotherapy treatments, and are now working to keep the restaurant running smoothly on their own.

“We're trying our best to keep everything under control so she doesn't have to worry about her restaurant and we can make sure everything gets taken care of,” Roberts said.

That's Peter's goal, too. She said the money they raised at the fundraiser will not only help Phares pay some of her medical bills, but will also ensure Zeeland Street and its staff are taken care of while she's away.

“She really wants to make sure Zealand's stays open and that her wonderful staff are well taken care of and keep going. So we said, 'Oh my goodness, Stephanie, how can we help?' And I think that's at least how we can start to help,” Peters explained.

“She needs to focus on her now,” Roberts said. “She doesn't need to worry about Zeeland right now and I think she just needs to rest.”

The fundraiser will be held Thursday night at Varsity Sports, starting at 5:30 with a one and two mile run and walk, followed by live music and drinks. A $10 donation will get you a free beer, and a $20 donation will get you a free beer and a Varsity Sports gift card.

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