
ISU police investigate hate crime after weekend attack

Illinois State University Police are investigating a reported hate crime against a student.

The ISU Police Department issued a crime alert Monday in response to the weekend incident, which was reported to the department around 3:20 a.m. Saturday.

According to police, the student was attacked by four suspects about an hour earlier near the Bone Student Center. The suspects allegedly pushed the student off his scooter, began punching him in the face and calling him terms that police described as homophobic and offensive.

“Understandably, a crime like this causes great concern on our campus. We are focused on the safety of our entire Redbird community,” the department said in the statement.

No arrests were made. Police say the student refused medical attention.

The department asks anyone with information to call ISU Police Investigators at (309) 438-8631.

ISU Police have also issued a number of crime prevention tips, including: Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night. Plan the safest route. Choose well-lit, busy paths and streets. And call police immediately if you observe suspicious activity.

The department also offers walking tours through the Redbird Safe Walk (309-438-WALK) and the Safe Redbirds app.