
Deadlocks Yamato captivates players with its detailed and tragic backstory

Since the game's official reveal, more and more people have been getting their hands on Deadlock, and players are already impressed by the level of detail that Valve has obviously put into the characters of its new MOBA.

After months of rumors and leaks, Valve finally announced Deadlock on August 23. Although access is limited to an invite-only closed alpha, the game already has a large fan base.

Although Deadlock is still in its early stages, it is already showing a lot of promise and is receiving praise from streamers and content creators like shroud and AverageJonas. This is in no small part due to the game's characters, as players are already praising the developers for how they handle their backstories.

In addition to some interesting background information, this level of detail also extends to how that information is presented to the audience. As one Twitter/X user noted, Yamato's backstory is written entirely in Japanese – which is fitting for a character who doesn't speak English.

Although he probably can't read the text himself, the poster's author described the backstory as “hilarious, but really cool.”

Others pointed out examples where this detail and backstory were incorporated into the game. “When you buy something in the shop while playing with her, the shop owner tries to say thank you in Japanese but keeps messing it up until he finally apologizes to her lol,” one player recounted.

Another said, “She actually speaks English when communicating in-game! All of her voice lines are in Japanese, but when she speaks to teammates (pushing lane, needing help, etc.) it's always in English. Funny touch.”

This was probably done to make things easier for players, since, as one commenter put it, it would be “damn confusing” if the character gave instructions in Japanese.

For those interested in Yamato's backstory, one user shared a rough translation that reveals her real name is Kaori. However, she took her brother's name after he sacrificed himself for her, both to honor him and due to a misunderstanding when she arrived in America.

The biographies of other characters in Deadlock also amuse players. For example, a biography of the character Lash simply states: “Jacob Lash is an a*******.”