
Less than half of savers are confident of being financially independent in retirement

Less than half of adults in the UK are confident that they will be financially independent when they leave work.

Research by Continuum and YouGov has found that younger and middle-aged adults in the UK are particularly anxious about their finances compared to those over 55.

According to the survey, those aged 45 to 54 were the most concerned: only 29 percent of them are confident that they will be financially independent in retirement.

Those over 55 were significantly more confident: 53 percent said they would be financially independent.

Here, too, men appeared more self-confident than women: 46 percent of men said this, compared to 40 percent of women.

The study also found that marital status impacts people's self-confidence: 53 percent of married or civil partners said they were confident, compared to 28 percent of single people.