
EXCLUSIVE Iron Circus Comics Preview: Perfect Crime Party

Courtesy of Iron Circus Comics, AIPT can provide preview pages for Perfect crime partya new comic project on Backerkit. Earlier this month we exclusively featured three of the creative teams and today we can share two pages of the three stories from their exclusive announcement and a 5-page exclusive excerpt from “Darling Doesn't Know” by John Konrad.

Perfect crime party is a 300+ page, full-color anthology featuring 25 light-hearted tales of criminal activity from over 40 incredible authors, with a cover by Jeff Smith (Bone).

So what is Darling doesn't know about?

An old Hollywood-style noir story in which two celebrities believe their problems can be solved more easily by divorcing each other rather than getting divorced.

EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn't Know” EXCLUSIVE Iron Circus Comics Preview: Perfect Crime Party EXCLUSIVE Iron Circus Comics Preview: Perfect Crime Party EXCLUSIVE Iron Circus Comics Preview: Perfect Crime Party EXCLUSIVE Iron Circus Comics Preview: Perfect Crime Party

More preview pages below!

Sideswiped by Chris Sebela and Kendall Goode – A jerk finds out his first date was a trap.

EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn’t Know” EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn't Know”

“The Twenty-One Foot Rule” by Nick Mamatas and Jules Valera – A fake and deadly duel turns out not to be so fake after all.

EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn’t Know” EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn’t Know”

Joke Thief by Henry Barajas & Kit Mills – A joke thief makes the perfect set.

EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn't Know” EXCLUSIVE preview of Iron Circus Comics: Perfect Crime Party – “Darling Doesn’t Know”