
Aspiring actor acquitted of drug charges after New York police officer's bodycam apparently shows him fake evidence: “Who would have believed me?”

Drug charges against an aspiring actor were dropped after an award-winning New Rochelle Police Department lieutenant was caught on his own body camera apparently attempting to tamper with evidence, according to a report.

Alvin Harper, who now lives in Denver, denounced Lt. Sean Kane in court on Friday, shortly after a New Rochelle city judge dismissed the case at the request of the Westchester County District Attorney's Office, according to the Journal News.

“I feel defeated – before Officer Kane planted those drugs on me, I was a very optimistic, happy person,” said Harper, 45, who also works as a fitness trainer for celebrities.

Alvin Harper, a famous fitness trainer who lives in Denver, was acquitted of drug possession charges after a New Rochelle police officer was apparently caught on his own camera interrupting drugs. New Rochelle Municipal Court

“I'm just a shadow of myself,” he continued. “I can't sleep at night. This has destroyed me. What if I'd never had that video? Who would have believed me?”

Harper was arrested on May 29 after police stopped his Cadillac Escalade in front of the Bracey Houses on Main Street because it was listed on an outdated theft report from Mount Vernon, the newspaper reported.

Harper had filed the report himself, claiming that a family member had fled with the truck without his permission, but that he eventually got the SUV back.

According to the outlet, Harper immediately ran off that night when Kane arrived and got out of his patrol car, according to footage from the officer's body camera.

Kane reportedly followed him into a parking garage across the street – but then Kane's bodycam footage cut off and showed him driving with a small bag in his right hand.

The officer drove back to the Bracey Houses, where the Cadillac was parked, and then pressed the bodycam again to restart the audio recording, but he may not have known that the video was already being recorded, according to the Journal News.

Harper was arrested in July and charged with two counts of drug possession. New Rochelle Municipal Court

The lieutenant got out of his patrol car, walked to a parked minivan and reached under the front tire on the driver's side. It looked like he was trying to grab something, the report said.

He then got back into his car and radioed that charges for a drug offense were necessary, the source said.

After the chase, Harper left the area. However, he eventually returned and was arrested on July 10 as he walked to the police station.

Police officers, who claimed to have found crack and cocaine, charged him with third- and fifth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

The criminal complaint alleged that Harper threw a plastic bag under a parked car and Kane picked it up.

And in a separate report, Officer Maria Vasquez wrote that Kane observed Harper throwing the bag.

But the footage contradicts this account of events: When Harper was at the van, Kane was still in another parking lot and could not have seen him throw anything, according to the Journal News.

Harper, originally from New Rochelle, says the arrest may have already caused irreparable damage to his career. New Rochelle Municipal Court

Harper believes he was targeted because he had a pending wrongful arrest charge against him in New Rochelle after he was arrested for drug possession last year, the report said.

Prosecutors dropped charges in the case earlier this year, but Harper is convinced police officers have not forgotten the altercation.

New Rochelle police declined to comment Tuesday.

After his arrest in May, Harper filed a complaint with New Rochelle police, claiming she had planted the drugs.

Kane was reportedly suspended about two weeks later and the entire case was referred to the Westchester County District Attorney's Office.

A spokesman for the prosecutor's office said in an email Tuesday that the office was investigating the case but declined to comment further.

In court on Friday, Harper told the judge that he appeared in the Amazon Prime film “Shadows” this year – and he expects to get more work in the next installments.

But after his arrest, he lost his job – “They fired me, I'm finished because in their eyes I'm a drug dealer,” he said.

Legal Aid lawyer Sydney Stanley said the alleged police misconduct justified the dismissal.

“The right result was achieved, but there is still a real human cost,” Stanley told the judge, according to the Journal News.

“It is not harmless that there is a person standing to my left whose life has been negatively affected by the criminal complaint,” Stanley said.

“Even if this case is dismissed, the consequences cannot be dismissed or reversed.”