
Heinz launches new “foolproof” canned spaghetti carbonara

The company is known worldwide for a range of products ranging from ketchup and beans to soups and pasta sauces.

But the latest addition to the product range has met with mixed opinions.

Heinz launches new Spaghetti Carbonara

Since the question of how to make carbonara perfectly is a hotly debated topic on the internet, Heinz said the company worked hard to create a “foolproof, quick and easy carbonara that requires absolutely zero drama.”

Heinz’s new Spaghetti Carbonara will be available in supermarkets nationwide from September.Heinz’s new Spaghetti Carbonara will be available in supermarkets nationwide from September. (Image: Heinz)

The new Heinz Spaghetti Carbonara, it is said, achieves exactly this: It offers a delicious carbonara recipe that is guaranteed to succeed and avoids a lot of effort when cooking, so that pasta lovers hit the jackpot every time.

Alessandra de Dreuille, Meals Director at Kraft Heinz, said: “We know people are looking for convenient meals that are effortless to prepare and our new Spaghetti Carbonara offers just that.”

“It’s the perfect solution for a quick and satisfying meal at home.

“Whether it's a comforting meal after a long day or with friends while watching the latest TV series, Heinz Spaghetti Carbonara is the perfect, hassle-free dinner solution.”

Fans divided over new Heinz Spaghetti Carbonara

The news about the new Heinz canned product has caused excitement among some fans.

One person commented on a post about the canned pasta in the Facebook group Extreme Bargains UK, saying: “I might have to try this haha ​​I love canned pasta.”

Another simply added: “Yummy.”

And a third person commented: “You know how I feel about canned food (sick emoji) BUT I would actually try this.”

Others were not so enthusiastic about the new Heinz Carbonara.

One user on X (formerly Twitter) commented: “This abomination is beyond endurance. Shame on you.”

And another posted: “Excuse me, I have to puke.”


When will the new Heinz Spaghetti Carbonara be available?

The new Heinz Spaghetti Carbonara can now be purchased online via the website.

It will be available in supermarkets across the UK from September for £2 (RRP).