
Celebrity Julie Macklowe dares to clash with Anna Wintour at the Met Gala

Celebrity Julie Macklowe dares to clash with Anna Wintour at the Met Gala
Celebrity Julie Macklowe dares to clash with Anna Wintour at the Met Gala

Celebrity Julie Macklowe disapproves of the modern Met Gala.

The celebrity reportedly based her criticism on a recent episode of Joe Pardavila’s Good to hear Podcast – and criticizes the annual event, also known as the “Oscars of fashion,” for its overrated outfits and fame-hungry guest list.

Macklowe at the 2017 Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between Met Gala
Macklowe at the 2017 Met Gala “Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garcons: Art Of The In-Between”

“I would say 10 years ago there were more celebrities, more business people. More real A-list celebrities,” Page Six quoted the former hedge fund manager in an article.

“There are a lot more influencers now,” she emphasizes in the podcast, adding: “I don't even know who half the people are who go there. And it feels like everyone is just dressing naked now.”

To sum it up: It's “overall a huge shitshow” that lacks an all-star cast.

The celebrity added that she was not worried about the possible consequences she might face – because she knew that no guest could get an invitation without Anna Wintour's seal of approval. “Of course I don't care if I'm not invited again,” she said.

Macklowe hasn't been to the event since 2019. However, she recalled a conversation with Jeff Bezos there, where he asked her for a sip of her whiskey, which was her single malt brand.

“I was standing in line and Jeff Bezos was literally right next to me. He was like, 'What's in this bottle? And can I have a sip?' I was like, 'I have whiskey in my bottle.' So he took a sip from my bottle,” she said on the show.

Macklowe is married to wealthy property developer Billy Macklowe, whose parents are billionaire real estate agent Harry Macklowe and his ex-wife, art collector Linda Macklowe.