
Dentists and psychotherapists: Net income of medical practices falls due to higher expenses

Dentists and psychotherapists
Net income of medical practices falls due to higher expenses

Inflation has also affected medical practices in Germany. In 2022, revenues rose by an average of 11.0 percent compared to the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Consumer prices rose by 6.9 percent during this period. Overall, average expenses per medical practice increased to 466,000 euros (2021: 420,000 euros).

Their average income rose by 5.3 percent to 796,000 euros, less than the income. “As a result, the average net income per practice fell,” according to the statistics office. In 2022, this fell by 1.5 percent to 331,000 euros. “These average values ​​are strongly influenced by practices with very high and achieved income,” it said. Half of all medical practices recorded income of up to 487,000 euros and a net income of no more than 230,000 euros.

According to the information, the net income is not the same as the profit or income of the doctors. It represents the result of the financial year of the entire practice – but does not take into account, for example, the expenses for practice takeovers or expenses for the practice owners' retirement, disability, survivors and health insurance.

Excluding interdisciplinary professional associations (BAG/group practices) and medical care centers (MVZ), average revenue per doctor's practice grew by two percent to 669,000 euros in 2022.

Average net income also fell in dental and psychotherapy practices in 2022: In dental practices, average income remained almost unchanged at 790,000 euros, but investments rose by 7.1 percent. This led to a decline in net income per practice by 13.5 percent to 243,000 euros.

Psychotherapy practices generate an average income of 128,000 euros, an increase of 0.8 percent. Their income, however, rose by 11.1 percent. This results in a net income of 88,000 euros per practice, which is a decrease of 3.3 percent.