
New Year's Eve reveler Harry Pitman, 16, killed in a jiffy, court says

Harry Pitman was in a crowd gathered in the popular north London park to watch the fireworks display over the Thames when he was fatally injured shortly before midnight.

A then 16-year-old youth is accused of Harry's murder and possession of an offensive weapon.

Opening his trial at the Old Bailey on Tuesday, prosecutor Jocelyn Ledward KC said: “Every year, numerous citizens gather on Primrose Hill to celebrate the New Year.

“But on New Year’s Eve last year, December 31, 2023, the celebration turned into tragedy in the blink of an eye.

“Harry Pitman, aged 16, was stabbed once in the neck. He died almost instantly from this single but fatal wound – a single but fatal wound caused by a knife brought to the scene by the defendant.”

Jurors heard that uniformed police officers were at the viewing point in the “upmarket” north London area that evening to control the crowds that had gathered to watch the fireworks.

Harry and the defendant were “complete strangers” and went there with different groups of friends, Ms Ledward said.

At around 11 p.m., Harry approached auxiliary police officer David Smith in a good mood, offered him a cigarette and asked him if he was enjoying himself.

The court was told that Harry appeared agitated and “physically agitated” but had “an overall positive attitude towards the police”.

About twenty minutes later, Harry and one of his friends got into an argument with two other young men, but two police officers intervened and the victim allegedly tried to calm the situation, the jury heard.

Harry also had a friendly chat with Edward Comaromi, who had gone to the fireworks with his family, and even insisted on giving him and the others a fist bump, Ms Ledward said.

The youth, now 17 years old, whose identity cannot be determined due to his age, denies the allegations against him.

Judge Cavanagh KC told the jury that one of the issues in the case was whether the teenager stabbed Harry accidentally or in self-defence.

The Old Bailey trial continues.