
Munich: Stress for the police

Several violent crimes kept the federal police busy at Munich Central Station on Tuesday. Several people were also injured.

Munich – On Tuesday, the Federal Police had it on the Munich Central Station had to deal with some aggressive people. Several violent crimes occurred.

Several violent crimes led to police operations at Munich Central Station on Tuesday. (Archive photo)

Several violent crimes led to police operations at Munich Central Station on Tuesday. (Archive photo) © Federal Police Inspectorate Munich

It all started late on Monday, shortly before midnight, with an intoxicated Somali man dropping a beer bottle into a shop.

When a store employee – a 27-year-old Afghan – banned him from the premises, the drunk “suddenly punched the Afghan in the face,” police said.

The attacker was previously known to the police for violations of the Narcotics and Residence Act.

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On Tuesday morning there was another operation at the railway station mission on platform 11. At around 10:15 a.m., staff called officials because a man refused to leave the mission.

When the police arrived, they met a 40-year-old Hungarian at the ramp at the entrance on the new Bayerstrasse. “He was smoking and standing in the way of travelers. After being spoken to and told to leave, he immediately became verbally aggressive and threw his coffee cup against the wall,” the emergency services said.

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The federal police had to start several investigations. In some cases, alcohol and possibly drugs were involved. (Archive photo)

The federal police had to start several investigations. Alcohol and possibly drugs were involved in some cases. (Archive photo) © Federal Police Inspectorate Munich

“When the expulsion was enforced, he physically attacked a federal police officer, whereupon he was handcuffed and taken to the police station.” No one was injured during the operation.

It was different from the incident at around 8:45 p.m. There, four Turks between the ages of 19 and 22 attacked a 25-year-old Afghan after an argument. The background to the argument is not yet known. A 22-year-old German “courageously intervened, even though a metal camping chair was involved in the scuffle.”

He was injured on his lip and the back of his head and complained of headaches. The Afghan had to be taken to a Munich hospital to investigate possible head injuries. It cannot be ruled out that he came into contact with drugs.

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“Die Federal Police The four are being investigated for bodily harm. After consultation with the Munich I public prosecutor's office, they were able to leave the police station free after blood samples were taken.” Investigations are also underway in the other ongoing cases.