
Cold Case on Case Number XY

According to a report, an unsolved murder case from 1992 will be presented on Aktenzeichen XY in November. Investigators are hoping for similar success as with the “Carnival Murder.”

Almost 33 years after the unexplained death of Andrea W., who was found on a bike path in Cologne on January 7, 1992, the police are making a new attempt to solve the case. The murder case is to be presented in November in the ZDF program “Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst,” reports the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.”

Andrea W., then 28 years old, was not initially identified because she had no papers on her. It was only five days after their bodies were found that their parents reported them missing. The young woman had several stab wounds and died shortly after being taken to hospital. “The woman was killed,” a police spokesman told the newspaper at the time. To this day, it is unclear who is responsible for the crime and why it began.

Police investigations revealed that Andrea W., who had worked as a secretary at the post office until three months before her death and wanted to complete her high school diploma, had also made contacts in the squatter scene.

The report contains some indications that Andrea W. may have been in the southern part of the city before her violent death. She was holding a carpet knife in her hand, which probably indicates that she was trying to defend herself against her attacker. It is also unclear whether the perpetrator was injured in the process.