
Sex offender Derek Lamond from Dunfermline has to go to prison

Derek Lamond, 59, of Arthur Street, supplied his child victims with alcohol, cigarettes and money and repeatedly abused them.

He abused two girls and performed sexual acts on them at addresses and in cars in Fife.

The former farm worker then raped one victim and attempted to rape the second victim.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard that Lamond claimed that the victims had fabricated their accounts of abuse in order to gain financial gain.

Judge Lord Renucci told him he would have to go to prison for his crimes.

Lamond was convicted at the High Court in Edinburgh. Lamond was convicted at the High Court in Edinburgh. (Image: Newsquest)

Lamond, who has two previous convictions for sex offences, was placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely and told he would be under official supervision for three years after his release from prison.

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Passing judgment, Lord Renucci said: “The harm you have caused the applicants will continue to affect them into adulthood.”

“This is your third conviction for sexual offences.

“They continue to deny the crimes. They continue to blame their victims and assume that their actions were motivated by financial gain.

“There is no alternative to a prison sentence and, given the nature of the crimes, it must be a long prison sentence.”

Lamond had denied a number of charges in a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh, but was found guilty of ten offences, including rape, attempted rape, sexual abuse and indecent behaviour.

The charges spanned 22 years, from 1995 to 2017, and he targeted victims in Dunfermline, Steelend and other locations in Fife.

He began abusing his first victim when she was just four years old and began touching her and performing sexual acts.

He also forced the child to perform sexual acts on him.

During years of repeated abuse, he supplied her with alcohol and cigarettes.

On one occasion, when the girl was between seven and ten years old, he attacked and raped her in a parked car in Fife.

Lamond began abusing a second girl when she was seven years old, also giving her money, drinks and cigarettes over several years.

He sexually abused her while she slept and also attempted to rape the girl during a raid on a house in Fife.

During questioning by police after the abuse came to light, he denied sexually touching the victims and said: “I think this is all made up.” At the sentencing, defence lawyer John Brannigan said: “He lives with his wife and they look after an aunt, a vulnerable elderly person.

“This is a person who causes Mr Lamond great concern. He cares less about himself than about his own family.”

Katrina Parkes, a sex offender at Scotland's Supreme Court, said: “Derek Lamond manipulated and exploited these young children in a vile campaign of abuse.

“His victims have shown great courage and strength by coming forward and reporting him to the authorities.

“Lamond will now face the consequences of his actions following this prosecution and conviction.

“I would like to encourage all victims of similar crimes – no matter how long ago it happened – to come forward, file a report and seek help.

“The Scottish Public Prosecution Service is committed to ensuring justice for victims of child sexual abuse.”