
Uncontacted Amazon tribe in Peru kills two loggers with bow and arrow for trespassing: report

A tragic incident has occurred in the Peruvian Amazon region, where members of the indigenous Mashco Piro tribe allegedly killed two loggers with bows and arrows for trespassing on their territory. The attack, which took place on August 29 in the Pariamanu River basin, leaves two other loggers missing and one seriously injured, according to the Times Of India.

The conflict is a result of logging companies encroaching on the forests in search of wood and tribes fighting for their territory.

The Federation of Indigenous Peoples of the Madre de Dios River and its Tributaries (FENAMAD), an organization that advocates for the rights of indigenous peoples in Peru, raised the alarm about the growing conflict between indigenous tribes and loggers.

FENAMAD also called on the Peruvian government to take immediate action to protect indigenous communities and workers operating in the area.

The human rights group, which represents 39 indigenous communities in the Cusco and Madre de Dios regions, criticized the government's inaction despite previous warnings of escalating tensions, pointing out that authorities have so far failed to respond to the incident or secure the affected area.

SEE ALSO: Footage shows uncontacted tribe in Peru emerging from jungle despite threat of deforestation

This attack occurred just 25 kilometers from where a similar incident occurred in July. Despite repeated warnings, the government has not taken any preventive measures, the organization said.

Cesar Ipenza, an environmental lawyer specializing in the Amazon, described the situation as “heated and tense,” and there are growing fears of further violence. In 2022, two loggers were attacked by tribal members while fishing, resulting in the death of one person.

SEE ALSO: Elon Musk is angry about ‘disrespectful’ false reports about porn-addicted Amazon tribe and criticizes the NYT

(Image: Survival International)