
Video of Stefan Raab leaves fans guessing

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Raab video leaves fans guessing

On September 14th, Stefan Raab will compete in the boxing ring against 46-time boxing world champion Regina Halmich. Preparations for the spectacle are already in full swing. Raab is now raising questions with a video.

Stefan Raab will step into the boxing ring against Regina Halmich for the third time. Boxing legend Henry Maske reveals what he thinks of the third act in an exclusive SPORT1 interview.
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On September 14th, Stefan Raab will compete in the boxing ring against 46-time boxing world champion Regina Halmich. Preparations for the spectacle are already in full swing. Raab is now raising questions with a video.

Only a few days left until former TV entertainer Stefan Raab challenges boxing legend Regina Halmich to a fight. The “Clark Final Fight” will take place in Düsseldorf's PSD Bank Dome. The 14,000 spectators can look forward to spectacular shows and plenty of celebrities.

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The 57-year-old, who ended his TV career in 2015, is now back on the big stage. With Halmich, Raab is facing a strong opponent. RTL The 47-year-old is aggressive: “He has chosen a difficult path for his comeback, because there is no fun in the ring. There will be no mercy, it will only be man against woman.”

“Clark Final Fight” – Raab video leaves questions unanswered

But it wasn't just the former German boxer who was preparing energetically for the fight. Raab also doesn't want to leave anything to chance. On Friday morning, he published a video on his Instagram account in which he works hard and talks to fitness influencer Pamela Reif, who is supposed to push him to his best shape.

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The video ended with Reif saying, “I think the only thing that can help us quickly is a doctor,” to which the entertainer replied, “What kind of doctor?” Reif’s short answer: “The doctor.”

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It remains to be seen who is hiding behind the synonym “the doctor” and whether Raab will be fit for the “Clark Final Fight”.