
Inflation: Which foods have become particularly expensive

Shopping cart with different food products in packaging

Many foods have become more expensive in recent years.

Source: dpa

For many consumers, shopping in the supermarket has not been fun for a few years now. The prices at the checkout have risen significantly. Which foods have become particularly expensive – and why.

Which foods have become particularly expensive?

In this article, we compare the prices in July 2024 with the prices from exactly four years before. It becomes clear that food and non-alcoholic beverages as a whole have become 34 percent more expensive during this period. The following products in particular need to be promoted more in supermarkets:

Prices compared to July 2020

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Why have food products become so expensive?

The price display at a gas station early in the morning.

Inflation in August was probably below two percent for the first time in a long time. This is due, among other things, to the low price of crude oil. At the same time, real wages have risen.29.08.2024 | 1:23 mins

Are there also foods that have become cheaper?

There are numerous other products that have seen significant price increases of 30 percent or more since 2020. According to the Federal Statistical Office, only one food is a good two percent cheaper today than it was then: citrus fruits. “Spain's ability to deliver lemons in particular was exceptionally high this season. Demand is weak, as is usual for the season,” says Els. Oranges, tangerines, clementines, grapefruits and lemons were all cheaper than they were four years ago.

But that's it. The test buyers recently registered lower prices for no other food than in July 2020. The smallest increases were recorded for pears (+0.8 percent) and apples (+7.4 percent). According to Els, apples had above-average harvest quantities in 2021 and 2022, declining purchasing mood and therefore lower prices. However, because the current apple harvest is poor, industry experts expect prices to rise.
Inflation at a low level

Inflation in Germany could fall to two percent for the first time in a long time. One of the reasons is the low price of crude oil. 29.08.2024 | 1:32 mins

Has inflation calmed down?

Recently, food prices have only increased slightly compared to the previous month, by 1.3 percent. However, this also means that inflation is continuing after prices have already risen sharply in many cases in recent years.
At least: The prices for some foodstuffs have calmed down or fallen in recent months – even if they are still significantly more expensive than they were four years ago:

  • Carrots: -13.8 percent compared to July 2023
  • Onions and garlic: -13.7 percent
  • frozen fruit: -13.1 percent
  • Citrus fruits: -9.3 percent
  • Sunflower oil and rapeseed oil: -8.6 percent
  • Wheat flour: -8.3 percent

Inflation in Germany (including food and energy)

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When will prices fall again?

Can consumers hope that shopping will become cheaper again? “It is always difficult to predict how prices will develop in the future,” says Jana Fischer from the consumer advice center. Droughts and heavy rain have had a growing influence on food prices.
A farmer holds freshly harvested Lea potatoes in his hands.

Inflation and crop failures have caused prices for olive oil and other products to rise sharply. Now the heavy rain could also affect the potato harvest.10.08.2024 | 1:49 mins

Source: dpa, ZDF