
Dr. Ahmed Bilal, holistic face reader, makes history with Azaan in the Basilica of Valencia

Srinagar, September 6 (KNS): Dr. Ahmed Bilal, a world-renowned holistic healer and health face reader, recently created history by delivering the Azaan (Islamic call to prayer) at the Basilica of Sant Vicente Ferrer in Valencia, Spain.

Dr. Ahmed, just like Ibni Batuta, is a globetrotter who travels a lot for work as he is one of the very few in this unique field of work. Therefore, he is called to many countries to use his expertise and help people all over the world. He attends conferences to give talks on naturopathy and also conducts workshops to teach people about holistic healing which includes healing the body, mind and spirit, allowing the body to heal naturally without the use of chemicals and invasive surgery etc. Through these travels, he also stays up to date with new findings and research in the world of holistic healing and finds innovative yet effective ways for people to heal naturally.

Since the fall of Spain from Muslim rule, prayers are no longer offered in these churches except in Cordoba in 1933 where Alamah Iqbal (RA) was also able to offer prayers and pray Salaah in the famous Qurtuba Mosque with special permission. Alamah Iqbal (Rahimullah) was a famous poet and philosopher whose parents were also of Kashmiri descent and his religious beliefs were influenced by the famous Kashmiri scholar Molana Anwar Shah Kashmiri who guided Alamah Iqbal (Rahimullah) to follow the correct teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
Dr. Bilal, a Kashmiri by birth, was given the opportunity to give the call to prayer about 800 years and 90 years after Alamah Iqbal (Rahimullah) in a building that was once a mosque but is located in the Spanish state of Valencia and to this day has many attractions thanks to its Islamic rule.
Many people around the world have tried to achieve this but miraculously only these two amazing and inspiring souls, Alamah Iqbal (Rahimullah) and Dr. Bilal, have succeeded. This is surely a moment that will remain etched in the history books for centuries to come.
It is important to understand what a great achievement this is, as Islamic Spain has benefited the world in many ways, which has actually influenced the modern world we live in today.
Now a major Christian landmark, the site is known for housing the Holy Grail, a revered relic believed to be the chalice of Jesus (Esa AS), and attracts visitors from around the world.

Speaking to Kashmir News Service (KNS) over the phone, Dr. Bilal said he had received special permission from the authorities for this significant prayer.

Dr. Bilal said he was led through special doors that are normally closed to the public to reach the area where he called for prayer.

In addition to this historic act, Dr. Bilal is also widely recognized for his contributions to holistic medicine. He recently received the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Award for Peacebuilding for his work in this field. Click here to follow our WhatsApp channel. Although he was unable to accept the award in person due to a busy work schedule, a colleague accepted it on his behalf.
In addition, he has received numerous awards, is a gold medalist in his field and a few years ago, Dr. Bilal was also honored with a knighthood, which now gives his name the title of “Sir”.
In his work, Dr. Bilal writes words of wisdom in the form of poems. He believes that words are a form of therapy and healing and calls this poetic medicine.

Dr. Bilal's journey into holistic medicine began with his studies in India and Sri Lanka, followed by training in Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. He became a Canadian citizen in 1997 and has been practicing as a registered holistic physician in Europe and Canada ever since.
Dr. Bilal was interested in becoming a healer from a young age and was inspired by people like Hakim Ajmal Khan and other great personalities.
Dr. Bilal is also known for his gift of diagnostic facial analysis, a skill that has made him famous worldwide.

Growing up without much Islamic education, he was fortunate to meet a spiritual mentor named Hazrat Molana Ebrahim Pandor from South Africa in 2010. Hazrat is the Caliph of Molana Gangohi, in whose service Hazrat remained for 25 years to attain the spiritual benefits of Molana Gangohi.
Hazrat Molana Ebrahim Pandor Saab completed his studies at Deoband Madrasah, where other great personalities like Molana Anwar Shah Kashmiri also completed their studies.
His meeting with the said Hazrat took place because Hazrat's daughter was in need of eye treatment as she needed a corneal transplant and they were introduced to Dr. Bilal when he was travelling to India for a conference.
Dr. Bilal and Hazrat traveled throughout India for three months while Hazrat continued his spiritual and religious work and treated Dr. Bilal Molana's daughter to restore her sight naturally without a transplant and continued his holistic healing journey throughout India.
In this way, both benefited from each other and Dr. Bilal learned a lot about Islam through Molana. This instilled in him a thirst for knowledge that makes him continue to read and learn to expand his knowledge and understanding of Islam.

Dr. Bilal is married to Faheemah and together they have a son, Danyaal, who is currently a Hifdh student. Dr. Bilal is also a member of numerous prestigious organizations in the field of alternative healthcare, including the Alternative Medicine Art Program (Canada), a past member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (USA) and the Holistic Drugless Institute (Spain).

His contributions to the field of holistic medicine and his recent Athaan in Valencia have cemented his place as a significant figure in both the medical and spiritual communities. (KNS)