
MP Ndindi Nyoro wants TSC to set dates for permanent appointment of JSS teachers

Ndindi Nyoro, Chairman of the National Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committee and Kiharu MP.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been asked to come forward with a clear statement on the confirmation of the permanent and pensionable employment of trainee teachers in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS).

Speaking during a motivational speech and prayers for Grade Four students in Aldai constituency in Nandi, Chairman of the National Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committee and Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro said the government had approved Ksh.18.7 billion for the recruitment of 46,000 JSS teachers.

The Committee Chair now wants TSC to provide clarity on confirmation dates and refrain from postponing target dates.

“TSC, please officially announce when you will confirm the JSS intern teachers as permanent and pensionable so that they know the date and can plan for it in their budget,” Nyoro said.

The same event also discussed the issue of higher education funding, with politicians calling on the government to review the model, which they say disadvantages students in need.

The politicians also used the opportunity to express their deep condolences following a tragic incident at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri, where 18 students died in an inferno, and called for a thorough investigation into the cause of the fire.

“The government has launched an investigation. The state is competent enough to clarify what actually happened. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the Hillside Endarasha Academy fraternity,” Nyoro said.