
Alteri / Gr​ä​nslandet Split Review

On October 1, 2022, also almost two years ago, the label Phobia Records released the split LP by Alteri (Cologne) and Gränslandet (Kristinehamn, Sweden). The former play first-class blackened crust with a death metal twist and the Swedes add D-beat. As the label aptly writes: “Soundtrack for dark, cold autumn days”.

© Alteri / Gränslandet Split LP
© Alteri / Gränslandet Split LP

As always, Alteri presents their mixture of blackened crust with a dash of death metal. The vocals fluctuate in the growl range and are therefore sometimes higher, but also often lower. Songs like “Spiegelevidenz” certainly reflect the variety. There are also some melodic moments, but they make your hair shake. “Panopticon” starts relatively quietly for this genre, but the song breaks free and becomes faster. There are, however, some sludge-like moments. Just like at the beginning of the last Alteri song “Ave Pati”.

Gränslandet picks up where Alteri left off with the sludge aspects and presents us with “Religions Of War”. D-beat with little fear of influences from other genres. “Historiens Mantra” (The Mantra of History) is the longest track on the album at just over six minutes. “Var Nöjd” (Be Content) comes right after at just over five minutes.

Both bands offer a good variety and are not stuck in their genre. I found that very pleasant. The recording quality of Gränslandet is OK, but very noisy. I don't know how else to describe it. But maybe I'm too spoiled by the smooth sound of the popular metal bands that I also listen to. Nice split and good choice of bands.

Phobia Records

Release: October 1, 2022