
Jack Welsby’s early return to the Saints and his playing time explained

The England international has not played since sustaining a thigh injury early in the game against Leigh in late July and was one of several key errors for the Saints during their alarming drop in results.

Welsby came on five minutes before half-time – earlier than planned – and provided one of the few bright spots in an otherwise disappointing afternoon, bringing down wire-flyer Matty Ashton in the corner to deny a sure try.

Wellens explained the plans with Welsby – and what had been calculated in advance and why these plans were adjusted.

Wellens said: “After consultation with the medical staff, it was planned that he would play half a game.

“The plan was to bring him on at 6 in the half. We felt we needed to make that change a little earlier – I think he came on 5-6 minutes before halftime.

“But the plan was always to play only limited minutes, and that's where I have to make a decision as a coach. Do I want Jack Welsby on the field for a short period of time, for limited minutes, or do we not want him there at all?

“Given how talented a player he is, I obviously decided to put him on the field, even though I knew he wouldn't play a full game.”

Welsby came into the game a little earlier than planned – and in a position for which he was not originally intended.

They wanted to use him in a stand-off role, presumably to limit the playing time of a full-back, but a knee injury to Harry Robertson thwarted those plans.

“Harry has a small problem with his knee which has forced him to leave the field, meaning Jack Welsby will have to step in at full-back.

“After the discussions we had with the physiotherapists, the plan was not to let Jack Welsby play at full-back at all. We will have Harry examined, but it is difficult to say at this stage.”

Welsby's hamstrings were put to the test as he sprinted to the right to pull down and out of play England winger Ashton after he had brushed the Saints' side.

“Jack’s thigh was pretty badly hurt,” Wellens said.

“That’s the kind of thing I liked as a coach – the way he tried hard and desperately to tackle Matty Ashton on the sideline.

“We will need that in the future. Such efforts are hugely important and I hope that these types of players will pay off and benefit us in a really important game for us at the end of the year.”